Thursday, April 21, 2011

Today's Results with the Senior Men

Well, the weather turned out great didn't it? That'll teach ya to listen to that Chesley and those other guys.

The tournament was great fun too! It is so much fun playing with the guys and I think they enjoy it too. I know they enjoy our breakfasts. Nobody can touch us on that count! The Easter eggs were great Mary C. - what a good idea!

We had 5 teams with -5 and the ties were broken by regression from the #1 Ladies HC hole and back.

1st - Carol McMeekin, Johnny Timm, Jerry Martin (their 4th was a no show ;o( )
2nd - Brenda Dumas, Chalrotte M, Dave Furlong and Gerry Welzant
3rd - Kermit, Hunt, Dale Strickland, and Lanelle
4th - John Carleo and his ladies - Carole Cavanaugh, Barbara N and Bonnie
Honorable mention - Janis T, Barbara North, Jane Buck and Mike Strickland

I hope everyone had a good time! I know I did. Sure was fun to have Mike and Dale Strickland with us for a visit. Margaret, please let them know they're welcome again for our scramble anytime.

HAPPY EASTER everyone! Don't for get to the hide the eggs!

Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408