WOLGA Constitution and By Laws

 2020 Revisions are in red



Article I - NAME
The name of this club shall be:  White Oak Ladies Golf Association.

Section 1:  To promote the interest of the women of this association in golf and to protect the interest of its members.
Section 2:  To bring about a spirit of cooperation between this and other golf clubs.
Section 3:  To extend the facilities and golf opportunity, both social and recreational, to the women of all Canongate clubs.

Section 1:  Membership in the White Oak Ladies Golf Association shall be open to any lady who is a member of a Canongate club.
Section 2:  Acceptance of membership in the Association shall bind each member to abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association and to accept all decisions made by the White Oak Ladies Golf Association.

The officers of this Association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary and shall be members of the White Oak Ladies Golf Association.

Section 1:  Nominations for office shall be made by the nominating committee consisting of  four (4) members appointed by the President in September.  This committee shall prepare a slate of officers to be presented and voted upon at the Fall meeting.
Section 2:  Nominations for any office of the Association may also be presented from the floor.
Section 3:  The new officers shall be installed at the December meeting and shall immediately assume their duties.

Section 1:  The management of the affairs, property, and policy of this Association shall be governed by the Board of Directors.  The officers, Chairman, and play day Chairman shall constitute the Board of Directors. The Board shall meet at the call of the President at least twice (2) annually.  A majority shall constitute a quorum, and decisions shall be decided by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.  The president will be a non-voting member of the board except if necessary to break a tie vote.  In the event of Co-chair persons’ of play day, this position will have one vote as a member of the board.
Section 2:  The Board of Directors shall prepare a budget in February for presentation to the membership in March.

Section 1:  The president shall preside at all meetings of the Association.  She shall appoint any necessary committees and name a Chairman for all standing committees.  She shall read or shall have read all communications of interest to the members.  She is a non-voting member of all committees except the nominating committee.
Section 2:  The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in her absence and shall act in an advisory capacity at all times.  Should the President’s chair be vacant for any reason, she shall become President for the unexpired term.  She shall serve as the Association Parliamentarian, unless a meeting Parliamentarian has been appointed by the presiding President. The Vice President will also serve on the Tournament Committee in advisory capacity.
Section 3:  The Secretary shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association and the Board of directors.  She shall keep a record of the name, address, and phone number of all members.  She shall preserve in a permanent file all records and letters of value to her successor at the close of her term of office. A minute book will be maintained and passed to her successor.
Section 3a: The Corresponding Secretary will maintain an electronic directory of all members, including phone numbers and email address for the purpose of regular communications with the members.  All correspondence with the membership will be sent from the CS by written, posted or email distribution. The CS will work closely with the Secretary to maintain an up to date directory of all members. The Corresponding Secretary will serve as the Communications Committee Chairperson.
Section 4:  The treasurer shall keep all monies and keep an accurate account of same.  She shall keep a correct role of members with their standing of dues, fees, etc.   She is authorized to sign checks and pay debts.  In the absence of the Treasurer, the President shall sign checks for any immediate need of the Association.
Section 5: The Chairman of the Board will be the Association’s past president. The duties of the Chairman will be to assist the President in the capacity of advisor.  The Chairman will not have a vote in the board meetings.
Section 6: The term of office shall be for one (1) year and the officer shall not be eligible for the same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms.  In the event an officer resigns, or vacates the office permanently, the President shall appoint a successor subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 1:  The President, or in her absence the Vice President, shall call a regular meeting of the Association on the first and last play day month of the year.  Additional meetings shall be called at the President’s discretion.
Section 2:  Thursday shall be designated as the official Play Day of the Association.
Section 3:  Official business of the Association cannot be transacted unless the majority of those present in the meeting are in agreement.
Section 4:  Robert’s Rules of Order, New and Revised, shall govern all meetings.  It is the duty of the Parliamentarian to enforce Robert’s Rules of Order at all meetings of the Association.  A Parliamentarian will appointed at each general meeting and board meeting by the presiding president.

Section 1:  U.S.G.A. rules shall govern all play with allowance for local club rules.
Section 2:  Major tournaments are defined as the Memorial Handicap Tournament, the WOLGA Championship Tournament, and any other tournament so designated by the President.
Section 3:  Only members of good standing, dues paid, with an established U.S.G.A. handicap (GHIN), having participated in four (4) play days prior to the tournament are eligible to participate in any major tournament.  The Tournament Committee, with the approval of the Board of Directors, can reduce the number of required play days for the first tournament if bad weather, course conditions, or any other condition has limited the number of play days completed.
Section 4:  A maximum handicap of 36 shall be allowed for major tournaments.
Section 5:  The type of competition and prizes shall be determined by the
Tournament Chairman and the Vice-President.
Section 6:  Members who play in Mid GA or West GA Play Days on a WOLGA Play Days will receive credit for playing the WOLGA Play Day.

Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed at any regular or special meeting of the general membership.  Amendments may be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the membership present and voting at any meeting of the Association, providing the proposed amendment(s) have been posted at least one (1) month prior to voting or ten (10) days written notice was given to each member prior to voting.
REVISED AND AMENDED - March 2, 1989;  March 2, 1994;  May 2, 1994;  March 6, 1997;  March 4, 1999;  October 2002;  May 22, 2003, March 25, 2004, March 2, 2017, May 9, 2018, March 5, 2020;  March 16, 2024

Article I - DUES
Section 1:  The annual dues shall be payable on or before the March meeting.
Section 2:  Any changes in the amount of annual dues shall be established by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors at the February meeting.  It is the responsibility of the Secretary and her committee to notify the membership based on the previous year’s membership roster.

Guest days shall be the second Thursday of each month.  The greens fees are waived to all guests that are not members of associate clubs.  The guest will pay for the cart and may participate in the Play Day pots and prizes.

Section 1:  It shall be the duty of the President as soon as possible after her election to appoint the Chairman of the standing committees and other designated committees as may become necessary.
Section 2: The standing committees shall be:  Tournaments and Rules, Play Day, Communications, Sunshine, Ways and Means, and West Georgia.
Section 3:  Tournament and Rules Chairman shall schedule all tournament events (including the Memorial Handicap Tournament and the WOLGA Championship Tournament) other than Play Day.  She shall also be Club Rules Chairman.
Section 4:  Play Day Chairman and committee shall schedule, plan, and conduct all Play Days.
Section 5:  West Georgia Chairman shall be responsible for notifying all ladies of the activities of the West Georgia Association.  She shall also be responsible for hosting any tournament the West Georgia Association shall have at our club.
Section 6: The Sunshine Committee will send greetings and condolences on behalf of the Association. See Article IV for financial info.
Section 7: The Communications Chairman will handle all written and digital communications on behalf of the association.
Section 8: The Ways and Means Committee shall be responsible for planning activities to raise funds for the Association

Section 1:  No member of the Association shall contract or cause to be made in the name of the Association any debt of any nature whatsoever, without first receiving proper authorization by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Section 2:  The Sunshine Committee shall send cards to members who are sick.  An appropriate gift shall be sent when the member herself is hospitalized.  In the event of a member’s death or the death of her spouse, a charitable contribution may be sent not to exceed $50.00.  Other cards may be sent at the discretion of the Sunshine Committee.
Section 3:  The Ways and Means Committee shall be responsible for planning activities to raise funds for the Association.   Every member has the responsibility to assist with the fund raising events when possible.

The following order of business shall be observed at the regular meeting:
(1) Secretary’s Report; (2) Treasurer’s Report;  (3) Correspondence; 
(4) Committee Chairman Reports;  (5) Old Business;  (6) New Business;
(7)`Election of Officers (Fall Meeting);  and (8) Installation of Officers (December Meeting).

Article VI
These Bylaws may be amended at any General meeting of the Association by a majority vote of those present and voting, providing that proposed amendments have been submitted to the Board of Directors and the membership at least fourteen (14) days prior to the voting.

REVISED AND AMENDED:  March 2, 1989;  March 2, 1994:  May 2, 1996;  March 6, 1997;  March 4, 1999, October 2002, March 25, 2004, March 4, 2010, March 2, 2017, May 9, 2018, March 5, 2020.