Thursday, August 29, 2019

Well what a day.  We played every game we could today.  I hope everyone enjoyed at least one aspect of the games today.  We had some interesting results.

Our Best Ball Chick Fight was won by the Lauer - Pierson Team with a +10 $15 each

The 2nd place team was Connors and Glen with +9 and they received a gift from the pro-shop.

Chicken Skins Gross $10ea
Margaret Lauer
Jodi Shepard

Chicken Skins Net $3ea
Joyce Davidson
Susan Gillespie
Bok Yim
Jane Buck
Marilyn Lynn
Karen Glen
RoseMarie Hurley
Kim Garwood
Sarah Connors

Low Gross
Susan Clonts 78

Low Net
Sarah Connors 67

RoseMarie Hurley

For a complete printout of the leaderboard and each game click the link below.  Or visit the portal on golf genius for this game: WOLGA PORTAL

Friday, August 23, 2019

Course Rotation for September

September 5th - Old Course
September 12th - Old Course

September 19th - Old Course
September 26th - TBA

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Play Day Results for August 22nd

Hopefully we are on a downward trend with the heat. Only in the lower 90's today.

Next week is our "Mystery Game", I hope everyone will come out and enjoy our fun game.

Welcome back Charlotte, you had a great day back with a +2.

Winners today

A Flight = Joanne Maxwell
B Flight = Carol McMeekin

1st = Karen Thrall @+5
2nd = Carolyn Schuett @ +4
3rd = Tracy Fisher @ +3
Carol McMeekin had a +11 but was Frozen @ 2

BIRDIES @ $1ea
Karen Cearley 2
Susan Clonts 2
Tracy Fisher 
Lanelle Heminger
Lisa Jones 2
Bev Martin
Joanne Maxwell
Carol McMeekin
Charlotte Myczkowski
Karen Thrall

CHIP-INS @ $5ea
Lanelle Heminger
Tita Bautista

If you have questions about moving to the "Green" tees please feel free to call me or Karen Thrall about moving up.  There is nothing mandatory or restrictive about moving.  We originally set our standard for green at 70 years of age and a Handicap Index of 30+.  Please remember there is a penalty for handicap events when moving.  Players from the forward tee will have a handicap adjustment of -5 for Seminole and -6 for Old Course off of their GHIN index before course calculations.   
Example:  if your index is 30, your index becomes 25.  
Seminole 25x110/113 = 20 course handicap 
Old Course 25x113/113 = 25 course handicap

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Play Day Results for August 15th

Our chicks were literally on FIRE today.  Again with the 95¤ temps.

Winners today were

1st - Margaret Lauer @ +3
2nd - Judy Warner @ +2
3rd - Bok Yim @ +2 *
card play off

Joan Land 

Birdies @ $4.25 ea
Margaret Lauer
Karen Cearley

Chip-Ins @ $8.50 ea
Joyce Davidson

Remember #1 Seminole will remain closed for several weeks while the repairs/rebuild continue.  We will have a special rule each play day to cover the loss of a hole score.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Another scorcher today.  Up to 94¤ today.
We had 24 brave souls that actually finished and some with impressive scoring.

1st - Karen Cearley @ +6
2nd- Judy Warner @ +4
3rd - Barbara Nadreau @+3*
Eunha Seo also had +3 Barb wins in card playoff

#13 - Karen Thrall
#15 - Karen Cearley

BIRDIES @$1.50ea
Karen Cearley 3
Joan Land
Jennifer Pierson 2
Bok Yim
Margaret Lauer

CHIP-INS @$3ea
Joyce Davidson
Eunha Seo
Ruth Routsong
Bok Yim

See you next week again on the Seminole Course

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Play Day Results for August 1st

Finally back on the Old Course!!
Welcome new member Peggy Guebert.

Don't forget the club championship is coming up.
It is not too late to sign-up.

1st - Lanelle Heminger +3*
2nd - Jane Buck +3*
3rd - Hana Kim +3* 
*Card play off for winner

#12 - FLIGHT A - Joanne Maxwell
#12 - FLIGHT B - Jane Buck

BIRDIES @ $3.5 each
Salme Svensson
Hana Kim
Margaret Lauer
Lisa Jones

CHIP-INS @ $7. each
Hana Kim
Tita Bautista

Course Rotation for August

Course Rotation for August 2019

August 1st - Old Course
August 8th - Seminole
August 15th - Seminole
August 22nd - Seminole
August 29th - Old Course*