Thursday, April 14, 2011

Play Day Results

Just so you know I have been working on playday non stop since I got home. PLEASE fire me!
All scores through today are posted for tomorrows GHIN update.

For last week - 4/7/11 - LOW NET game

1st - Shirley Payne - net 72
2nd - Salme Svennson - net 74
3rd - Diane Mason - net 74
also with net 74 was Janis Randolph - that regression thing again!

TODAYS game - Net Best Ball of the twosome

1st - Beth Shepard and Lyn Cunningham - net 60
2nd - Brenda Dumas and Ardy Durden - net 61
3rd - Mary Carlson and Susan Clonts - net 62

There was a scorecard turned in with a lower net score however there were 4 errors on the Net BB and the card was not attested. Sorry but that means DQ. PLEASE ya'll, be careful and check your cards and scores! And be sure if someone else is keeping your score that you keep it too and verify it's correctness. I really hate being the bad guy but fair is fair.

THANKS Janis Randolph and Barb Nadreau for running the show for me last week.

REMEMBER - We HOST the SENIOR MEN NEXT WEEK! WE NEED TO BRING BREAKFAST GOODIES. If you did not sign up at the clubhouse today shoot me an email! We will be playing Seminole again.

Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408