Thursday, May 30, 2013

2 013 Handicap Tournament

First of all, many thanks to those who made this annual tournament a success.  You know who you are and so do we.  Secondly, congrats to our 2013 Handicap Winner, Diane Tschantz!  Not only did she win overall but also broke 100 for the first time!
Here are the 10 low net winners for the two days.
1st-Diane Tschantz
2nd-Ruth Routsong
3rd-Diane Mason
4th-Beth Shepard
5th-Pat Lawson
6th-Bev Morris
7th-Mary Carlson
8th-Bonnie Harrington
9th-Susan Clonts
10th-Sandi Kirkpatrick

We will be on Canongate's Lee Course next week, June 6th.  Check in is 30 minutes earlier so be here before 8:30 and we will have a shot gun start at 9:00am. 
We are switching up the format to "Throw out the 3 worst holes" instead of the scheduled "Beat the Pro" (Heard we may have a new Head Pro by then)