Saturday, March 14, 2020

Suspension of Play Day

Hello Ladies,
Well we just can't seem to catch a break with our new 2020 season.  Today some of the men's groups have suspended play until we see how the Covid-19 virus is going to affect our area.  Right now there are only 2 cases in Coweta County, but that number is sure to grow.  

Since many of our ladies are over 65 or have family members that are older, some have underlying health issues, the board has decided that we should suspend play days until further notice.  The Senior Men's association, Cannon Group, and Gillespie group are also suspending their play days.

Many of you can still get out there and hit the ball and and even use the assigned tee times on Thursday mornings, however, we ask that you do not gather as a group in the club house, as that is the reason for suspension.  

It is also recommended by me that you keep your distance.  Don't share carts and keep yourself at safe distances from others.  If you do take a cart, make sure you wipe down all the surfaces that you will be touching with a disinfectant.

The club house staff has taken as many precautions as possible to keep the club house sanitized and disinfected.  

Let's practice safe measures for self quarantine and not exacerbate the problem.  We don't want to have over run hospitals and over extended medical staff in Coweta county.

Stay safe, wash your hands and try not to touch your face.

Susan Gillespie