Thursday, August 23, 2018

Play Day Results August 23rd

The weather is finally cooling a bit.  Todays games was Low Gross Low Net.  The following are our winners for today.

Flight A Course HDC 1-26
Low Gross - Karen Cearley  76/64 Great Game
Low Net - Salme Svensson  83/67

Flight B Course HDC 27 +
Low Gross - Joyce Davidson 99/70
Low Net - Carolyn Schuett 100/68

Flight A - Brenda Dumas
Flight B - Bev Martin

Karen Cearley 3
Lisa Jones 3
Tita Bautista
Brenda Dumas
Salme Svensson

Jane Buck
Mary Carlson
Louise Cox
Lisa Jones
Charlotte Myczkowski
Carolyn Schuett
Salme Svensson
Karen Thrall

Next week is guest day.  If you can check in before hand by using the invite from Golf Genius that would be helpful.  If you have a guest and can let me know before Thursday who that will be, please send me a text or email.

Play Day Stat Sheets