Monday, November 7, 2016

Final Wolga Playday

Our last playday weather couldn't have been more beautiful! We were served appetizers and drink specials.  Several ladies were divided into teams for a Scramble and here are the winners!
Guess the legs?
Lisa Yoon won the putting contest.
Here is the upper half of the winners, Susan Clonts, Kathy Fisher, and Joyce Davidson with a 68.  Team Carolyn Schuett, Tita Bautista, and Beth Shepard had second place with 70. 
Our official season is over but the golf on Thursdays is not.  The pro is reserving about 4 tee times every Thursday beginning at 10:00 for those who want to continue playing a very informal, non competitive format.  
Check in by 9:30am and we will meet down by the driving range to divide up into 3 or 4 somes.  Come out and join us!

Finally, our end of the season awards breakfast is scheduled for December 8.  Ellen Connors has agreed to organize another Reindeer Games like last year.  It will be 9 holes of play after our breakfast.
Stay tuned to more information on the awards breakfast.