Friday, April 10, 2015

April 9th- Masters Week

It was a beautiful day for golf and 39 ladies came out for our Pick a Pro to win the Master's.
We had two ladies who earned their towels.  Linda Brown hit a beautiful pitch up to the green on #7, hit the flag stick to fall in.  (Blogger witnessed this cool shot)  Susan Gillespie earned our second to last birdie towel.
The results are as follows:
50/50 was won by Sandra Lancaster
Beth Shepard-2
Cheryl Drewyer
Salme Svensson
Patti Wall
Susan Gillespie
Chip Ins
Linda Brown
Salme Svensson

Low Gross
1st- Susan Clonts- 76
2nd-Tie between Margaret Lauer and Beth Shepard with 84 (Margaret won in two hole regression)

Low Net
1st-Salme Svensson- 66
2nd-Ardy Durden- 67

Ladies, just a reminder... Please do your part in checking in before and after play properly.  That includes

  • Initialing your name and putting in your index and course handicap on sign in sheet
  • Attesting and signing scorecards
  • Fill in scores, circling birdies/chip ins...