Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Linda Mitchell

(picture was taken during a West GA match where Linda nearly made a hole in one at Riverside)

Ladies, I received this email from Linda Mitchell's son, Eric.  Please keep her in your prayers. 

Hi Beth,

This is actually Linda's son Eric. I am hoping you can pass along word that my mom really is not doing well.
She just came out of a biopsy procedure on a very large tumor on her liver. She is just thoroughly exhausted with even the simplest of tasks like walking to the bathroom in her room. I am very concerned and would appreciate the thoughts and prayers of a group she so would like to be with. Golfing just looks so very far away right now.
If anyone would like information they can contact me at Eric.mitchell@woodward.edu or my cell phone 404.427.4314.

***Please note.. Linda Mitchell passed away today, April 16th.