Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Changes in Calendar

Please make the following changes in your calendar.

September 12- West Georgia Handicap Tournament at White Oak

Wolga Throw Out the Worst 3 Holes (Guest Day will be postponed)

***Sean is going to put West GA and Wolga ladies not playing West GA out on a shotgun start.

Sean would also like to get an estimate on who is going to play with the Wolga ladies on that day. It'll be kind of crazy that day but at least the men's group will be playing at Canongate. I will send out an email closer to that date to get a head count of those playing Wolga.

September 19- Our ladies will be playing at an alternate location as the W.O. courses will be closed due to a big event. Sean is going to try to get Canongate but will let us know later.