Thursday, May 10, 2012

Playday Results

Hey All,

Great day for golf - sure was a whole lot cooler than Valdosta as Janis and Brenda and I can attest! If you haven't heard a report on the GSWGA tournament this week - it was awesome. Janis Turner (the Pres!) did us proud as well Judy Furlong who spent most of the last few weeks working on the tournament. It was a great event and many of our Canongate Ladies brought home winnings! I urge you all to consider joining seniors next January. Gives you a good incentive to get that handicap down (must be 26 or less to join) and my new incentive is to play on the same course as the low cappers next year. In golf there is always incentive to do better - right? No matter what age!

I want everyone to know I had a good meeting with Justin (WhiteOak/Summergrove GM) this afternoon. First on my list was the lack of expertise (how diplomatic was that) we have experienced at Summergrove in recent weeks. Also, the fact we have other players crowded in the middle of us most weeks. When the "pro" knows what they're doing, they know how to start us with the tee times they've allowed and Justin assured me we will have a real pro at Summergrove going forward on our play days. When we get down to two courses I get it, we may be more crowded and we will deal with that. I trust also we will know before 8:15 if the course is CPO or not! I also addressed safety on the Seminole course in particular and the need for a ranger all the times - especially when school is out. I used to get off work and walk Seminole by myself in the afternoons. Even if I could walk I wouldn't do that if you paid me right now! I for one do not want any more surprises in the halfway house. Just ask me, Marilyn or Pat if you haven' heard that story! And I addressed the need for a fixed schedule for WOLGA and if course location has to change - we need to be informed. Last week I sent out the email saying Seminole which was according to the schedule I got from the pro shop then had an email from Susan G. who happened to see we were on the Summergrove schedule. Thus - the oooops message from me. Been funnier if had all just showed up over there.... Margaret joined me and we gave Justin input for the White Oak Ladies Championship and how we can garner more participation. He seems intent on getting more ladies into the mix so we'll see.

ALSO - I apologize if I haven't been clear about the scorecards when we play net best ball. Next time - I DO NOT need individual cards. I need one card with the game, complete names or initials when needed (not just Bev or Shirley or Mary- there are multiples of some of us but Ardy, Lanelle - there's only one of you!) and HCP. I also want a master with at least the gross scores on it - for verification. Write master on that card. Please always - every playday - put your name in the name field of your card - not just on the sticker. It just makes it easier for me, Diane or whoever else has to look at the cards post play. And even when it's best ball I do post the scores so the playday sheet needs to be completed. That is where I post from. There are no picks ups ever on playday until you max out for your handicap (7-teens, 8 - 20's, 9- 30's) in a best ball or 10 on any other playday. I will get scores posted tomorrow if at all possible.


1st - Sandi K, Holly, Trisha Nease and Charlotte - 61
2nd - Christine Campbell, Cheryl D and Ardy - 62
3rd - Lanelle, Lyn Cunningham and Janis T. - 63
and for glory.... Carol Head, Linda Mitchell and Carol Mc - also with 63

Next week we are on Seminole playing T's and F's. See ya then! mm

Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408