Thursday, October 15, 2020

Play Day Results for October 15th

 Nice weather today.   Old Course was a real bear today with the damp rough.


Our Championship Tournament is coming up October 28th and 29th.  Please come out and support the league.  Lisa has worked very hard trying to put together our tournaments under the trying Covid times.  Please come out and show her your support for her hard work.  The tournament is a gross tournament and it is flighted.  Cost is $10.  Text Lisa at 770-328-4332 to sign up.


Todays winners: 50/50 pot was Carleo and Thrall

1st - Sheryl Massenberg +2
2nd - Barbara Nadreau +2 * Card Playoff
3rd - Carolyn Schuett +1 * Card Playoff with Connors


Also, Bev Morris +3, Salme Svensson +2, and Charlotte M +2 however, they are frozen at Even

Birdies $7.50 each
Karen Cearley
Cricket (Crystal) Crenshaw


No Chip-Ins today - the pot will go to our year end
Chip-in winner funds.


Net Skins Flight A $3 each
Karen Cearley 2
Janis Turner
Sharon Ledbetter
Cricket (Crystal) Crenshaw
Beth Shepard


Net Skins Flight B $3 each
Diane Tschantz 2
Barbara Nadreau
Arleen Carleo
Susan Gillespie


See you next week

**Morris, Myczkowski, and Heminger are no longer frozen after today's game.