CLGA Constitution & By Laws



Officers, Committees & Other Duties 2

Play Day 2

Budget 3

Play Day Rules 3

Prizes 5

Hole In One Club 6

50/50 6

General Information 6

End of Season Awards 7

Constitution 8

By-Laws 9


Officers, Committees, and Other Duties


President: Maggie Heatherman

Secretary: Mary Lousie Hunt

Treasurer: Hesper Hall


Play Day/Tournament Chairman: Cricket Crenshaw

Hospitality/Sunshine: Becky Bedell


Mid-GA Representative: Becky Cochran


Shotgun start 9:30 March through October—Sign in between 8:20 and 9:00

Entry fee is $4.00 each play day. Play Day Chairman will determine game format

and is responsible for weekly pay out.

Guests: A guest who is not a Canongate member pays cart fee only. A guest may

play any play day but is limited to 2 times in a season. If the same guest comes a

3 rd time, she will need to join CLGA in order to play.

Winter Play: Winter play is November-February. No records are maintained, but

scores should be posted when you play. Georgia is a Year-Round posting state.



There will be two general meetings during the year, with the first to be held in

conjunction with the tee-off breakfast in March. The second will be held along

with our end-of-the-year brunch.


Hospitality $ 775

Awards/Tournaments $ 1,000

Mid GA $ 5

Miscellaneous $ 75

TOTAL $ 1,855


1. All players must register between 8:20 and 9:00 and be ready to meet

out by the carts at 9:15. Entry fee is $4.00. At the end of the round,

please come back into the clubhouse to turn in your scorecard.

2. Only players teeing off at the prescribed time are eligible for the day’s


3. If on any given week a player decides to play from a tee other than the

one she typically plays from, it is the responsibility of the player to

notify the play day chairman the day before that week’s play day.


4. Players must maintain pace of play. Do not hold up play for groups that

are behind you. Allow players to play through if there is a clear hole in


5. If a player reaches double par on a hole that DOES NOT COUNT FOR

THE GAME, she should pick up and record double par on her


6. All play day cards must be added, attested and signed. Please keep

your own scorecard and one other player’s. Confirm not only each

other’s gross score, but the game score as well.

7. There must be 5 players on a play day to warrant giving prizes. Players

that attend even when no prizes are awarded will get a play day point

and credit for a play day..

8. Players will play with a maximum handicap of 36 in all events.

9. You may move your ball one club length in your own fairway.

10. If a player withdraws, she is not eligible for any prizes or points that



TOURNAMENT. You will be informed by the tournament

chairman before the beginning of the tournament.

1. If you hit your ball in the hazard on Roquemore 8 or 11 or Lee 13 or

15 you may proceed with option 1, 2 or 3.

(1) Play the ball where it lies if able, with no penalty. Using USGA RULE.

(2) Drop a ball taking 1 penalty stroke following USGA water hazard or

lateral hazard rule. If you choose this rule, you MUST follow this

rule until the ball is across the hazard. You MAY NOT change to

the LOCAL RULE should you hit a second/third, etc. ball in the


(3) CLGA LEAGUE RULE-----You may elect to carry the ball around the

hazard. If you make this choice, you must add 1 additional penalty


stroke for a total penalty of 2 strokes. The ball must be dropped in

the designated drop area. If the drop area is not marked, drop two

club lengths in front of the hazard and two club lengths from the cart


2. If your ball comes to rest on a root or rock and not in a penalty

area, you may use local rule:

CLGA LEAGUE RULE-----If your ball lies on a rock or root and not in a

penalty area, with the agreement of your playing partners, you have

the option without a penalty to take closest relief off of the rock or

root(no closer to the hole).


● Points are awarded each play day for 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , ties, and to players who

make a birdie or chip-in.

● The payout for each play day is determined by the number of players and

ties each week. Payout each week for at least 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , including ties,

Birdies and Chip-ins. Team events pay 1 st and 2 nd .

● There will be two tournaments during the season: a Handicap Tournament,

CLGA Championship tournament. To be eligible to play in the tournaments,

you must have five play days for the handicap tournament and seven for

the championship. If a member misses a CLGA play day because she is

playing with West GA or Mid GA, she will still get credited for a play day and

receive a point.

● The Play Day Chairman will keep a record of all first, second and third place

winners for play day and tournament events, and is responsible for the

weekly pay out for the game winners, Birdies, Chip-Ins and Eagles. Eagles

pay $10.00 (money taken from Split-the-Pot) when made on play day.



This is a voluntary club and must be an active member of CLGA. USGA rules


The hole in one must be made at Canongate 1 on any day of the week. Submit

the signed and witnessed scorecard to the Club Pro and he will give it to the Play

Day Chairman.

The original fee to join is $4.00. When an active member of the Hole-In-Club has

a hole-in-one, they will receive half of the money in the hole-in-one account. At

that time anyone wishing to remain in the Hole-In-One Club will pay $2.00 in

order to replenish the account.

50/50 POT

The Play Day Chairman maintains the 50/50 pot. Prizes and event functions are

financed with these funds.

$1=1 ticket

$2=3 tickets

$3=5 tickets


Notify the Hospitality Chairman when you are aware a member is sick or

condolences are in order.



Fair Handicapping depends upon full, accurate information of a player’s ability as

reflected by her scores. Every golfer interested in fair play should make sure

scores are recorded: good and bad, year around not just during the League

season. Incomplete records lead to unfair handicaps.


To be eligible for the Year End Awards, the player must have a minimum of ten

CLGA play days (which includes credit given for playing West GA or Mid GA on a

CLGA play day) during the March through October season. A prize of at least

$25.00 will be awarded with each Year End Award. A person may only be

awarded one End of the Season award. In the event of a tie, the award will be

given to the player who has attended the most play days.

Order of awards:

Golfer of the Year

Most Improved Golfer

Up and Down


The award will be determined by the following point system:

1 point for attendance at a General Meeting

1 point for attendance if round is completed on regular play day and each day of

tournament play

3 points for 1 st place on play day

2 points for 2 nd place on play day

1 point for 3 rd place on play day

1 point for each Birdie on play day

1 point for each Chip-in on play day

Flighted tournament:


7 points for Overall Champion

5 points for 1 st place each flight

4 points for 2 nd place each flight

3 points for 3 rd place each flight

Unflighted tournament:

7 points Overall Champion

5 points for 1 st place

4 points for 2 nd place

3 points for 3 rd place


This award goes to the player in each flight with most chip-ins and birdies

combined made on regular Play Day and Tournaments. Flights are based on

handicap index on the last day of the season.


Most improved golfer will be determined using the same formula GSGA uses each

year to determine the most improved golfer at clubs state-wide. The Club Pro will

be able to run the report from GSGA with the beginning and ending dates of the

CLGA season.


ARTICLE I—The name of the association shall be Canongate 1 Ladies Golf

Association. (CLGA)

ARTICLE II—The purpose of the organization shall be to promote interest in golf

among women players of Canongate 1 Golf Club through the holding of weekly

play days, occasional tournaments, and other events as its officers may elect.


The officers of the Association shall be President, Secretary and Treasurer.


ARTICLE IV—The affairs of this Association shall be managed by a Board of

Directors composed of the Officers and the Chairman of the Standing




Membership in the Canongate Ladies Golf Association (CLGA) is open to any Lady

Member who has an established USGA handicap, GHIN number, and is in good

standing with any Club Corp Club.

Members play to a Maximum handicap of 36.


Section 1. Annual dues will be payable beginning November 1 st .

Section 2. Amount of annual dues shall be established by a two-thirds (2/3) vote

of the Board of Directors.

Section 3. No dues shall be refunded in case of resignation.


Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and in

general shall perform the duties inherent to her office. She shall name the

Chairman of the Standing Committees on which shall act as a member


Section 2. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings and handle the

Association correspondence.

Section 3. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all Association monies,

depositing such monies in the name and to the credit of the Association in such

Depositor as shall be designated by the Board of Directors.

Section 4. In the event an Officer resigns or vacates her office permanently, the

Board of Directors shall appoint a successor.



The Board of Directors shall meet at the call of the President at least twice

annually. A majority of its Members shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1. It is the duty of the President, as soon as possible after the election, to

appoint the chairpersons of the following standing committees: Hospitality,

Correspondence, and representatives for special events and functions.

a. Play Day Chairman and Tournament Chairman: The Play Day Chairman

shall schedule all weekly events and be responsible for keeping all records for

determining the end of season awards. The Tournament Chairman and Play Day

Chairman may appoint members as her assistants for the tournaments and play

days. Both Play Day Chairman and Tournament Chairman will be a voting

member of the current Board.

b. Hospitality Committee: The Chairman’s responsibilities include: Mail

cards to members who are sick and/or in the hospital; condolences sent to

members when appropriate. Arrange for the tee-off breakfast and the Christmas



Section 1. The fiscal year shall run from January 1 through December 31. The

books shall be subject to audit at the end of the fiscal year or upon request of the

incoming Treasurer or the President. Retain records for two (2) years.

Section 2. Checks may be signed by the Treasurer or President. All checks over

$100.00 must be approved by the President.

Section 3. No Member of the Association shall contract or cause to be made in the

name of the Association any debt of any nature whatsoever, without first

receiving proper authorization by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 4. See current budget on page 3.


Section 1. The type of competition shall be determined by the Play

Day/Tournament Chairman with the approval of the Board of Directors.


Section 2. Only Members in good standing, dues paid, with an established USGA

handicap are eligible for major tournaments, to vote, and for Golfer of the Year.

Section 3. Acceptance for membership shall bind each member to uphold the

rules and etiquette of golf as set forth by the USGA and to accept and observe all

decisions of the Board of Directors acting within its jurisdiction.


Section 1. A general meeting shall be held in conjunction with the tee-off

breakfast in March and at least one other time during the year. A Board

Meeting shall be called by the President prior to the first general meeting in order

to prepare an agenda for the general meeting. The annual meeting for election of

officers will be held in December and these officers will take up their duties on

January 1.

Section 2. Official business of this Association cannot be transacted unless one-

third (1/3) of the active membership is present.

Section 3. All meetings will be conducted in accordance with “Robert’s Rules of



Section 1. In September the President and two other Members will be chosen to

comprise the Nominating Committee. The presiding Officer shall ask for

nominations from the floor. Any number of names may be submitted. The

Secretary should make a list of names nominated. A written ballot shall be taken

and counted. The two Members receiving the most votes shall serve on the

Nominating Committee.

Section 2. Notice of all nominations shall be posted by e-mail to Members at least

ten (10) days prior to voting. Voting will be conducted by e-mail and tallied by the

Nominating Committee.


Order of business at meetings:

Reading of minutes of previous meeting

Secretary Report


Treasurer Report

Report of Standing Committees

Old Business

New Business

Election of Officers at October meeting



These By-Laws may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and

voting, provided that proposed amendments have been submitted to the Board

of Directors and the Membership.


Upon dissolution of the Association, all funds accrued by the Association shall be

donated to a charity that has been approved by the Board of Directors.

Revised March 2024


Booklet, Constitution & By-Laws


Officers, Committees & Other Duties

Play Day


Play Day Rules


Hole In One Club


General Information

End of Season Awards





President: Mary Mitchell

Secretary: Mary Lousie Hunt

Treasurer: Hesper Hall


Play Day/Tournament Chairman: Cricket Crenshaw

Hospitality/Sunshine: Becky Bedell


Mid-GA Representative: Marva Simpson


Shotgun start 9:30 March through October—Sign in between 8:20 and 8:50

Entry fee is $4.00 each play day. Play Day Chairman will determine game format

and is responsible for weekly pay out.

Guest Day: Guest who is not a Canongate member pays cart fee only. Guest may

play any play day but limited 2 times in a season. If the same guest comes a 3 rd

time, she will need to join CLGA in order to play.

Winter Play: Winter play is November-February. No records are maintained.


There will be at least 3 General Meetings during the year with the first to be held

in conjunction with the tee-off breakfast in March. Prior notification of time and

date of additional meetings will be sent by e-mail to the Membership.


Hospitality    $ 575

Awards/Tournaments    $ 1,200

Mid GA    $ 5

Miscellaneous    $ 75

TOTAL $ 1,855


1. All players must register and enter correct handicap between 8:20 and

8:50 and be back on the clubhouse by 9:10. Entry fee $4.00. At the end

of the round, please come back into the clubhouse and fill in your

scores, birdies, chip-ins, etc.

2. Only players teeing off at the prescribed time are eligible for the day’s


3. If on any given week a player decides to play from a tee other than the

one she typically plays from, it is the responsibility of the player to

notify the play day chairman the day before that week’s play day.

4. Players must maintain pace of play. Do not hold up play for groups that

are behind you. Allow players to play through if there is a clear hole in


5. If a player reaches double par on a hole that DOES NOT COUNT FOR

THE GAME, she may pickup and record double par on her scorecard.

6. All play day cards must be added, attested and signed. Please keep

your own score card and one other player’s. Confirm not only each

other’s gross score, but the game score as well.

7. There must be 5 players on a play day to warrant giving prizes.

8. Players will play with a maximum of 36 in all events.

9. You may move your ball one club length in your own fairway.

10. If a player withdraws, she is not eligible for any prizes or points that



TOURNAMENT. You will informed by the tournament

chairman before the beginning of the tournament.

1. LOCAL RULE----If you hit your ball in the hazard on Roquemore 8

and 11 or Lee 13 and 15 you may proceed option 1, 2 or 3.


(1) Play the ball where it lies with no penalty. Using USGA RULE.


(2) Drop a ball taking 1 penalty stroke following USGA water hazard or

lateral hazard rule. If you choose this rule, you MUST follow this

rule until the ball is across the hazard. You MAY NOT change to

the LOCAL RULE should you hit a second/third, etc. ball in the



(3) LOCAL RULE-----You may elect to carry the ball around the hazard. If

you make this choice, you must add 1 additional penalty stroke for a

total penalty of 2 strokes. The ball must be dropped in the

designated drop area. If the drop area is not marked, drop two club

lengths in front of the hazard and two club lengths from the cart



2. If your ball comes to rest on a root or rock and not in a hazard or

out of bounds, you may use local rule:

LOCAL RULE-----If your ball lies on a rock or root and not out of bounds

or in a hazard, with the agreement of your playing partners, you have

the option without a penalty to take relief using the USGA rules of



  • Points are awarded each play day for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ties, and for each birdie

and each chip-in a player makes on play day.

  • A person can only win one prize on play day. The payout is determined by

the number of players and ties each week. Payout each week for at least

1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , including ties, Birdies and Chip-ins. Team events pay 1 st and 2 nd.

  • There will be three tournaments during the season: a Handicap

Tournament, Par 3, and a CLGA Championship or alternate tournament. To

be eligible to play in the tournaments other than the Par 3, a player must

have played in five play days during the season.

  • The Play Day Chairman will keep a record of all first, second and third place

winners for play day and tournament events.

  • The Play Day Committee Member handling play day is responsible for the

weekly pay out for the game winners, Birdies, Chip-Ins and Eagles. Eagles

pay $10.00 (money taken from Split-the-Pot) when made on play day.


  • This is a voluntary club and must be an active member of CLGA. USGA rules


  • The hole in one must be made at Canongate 1 on any day of the week.  Submit

the signed and witnessed score card to the Club Pro and they will give to the Play

Day Chairman.

  • The original fee to join is $4.00. When an active member of the Hole-In-Club has

a hole-in-one, they will receive half of the money in the hole-in-one account. At

that time anyone wishing to remain in the Hole-In-One Club will pay $2.00 in

order to replenish the account.

50/50 POT

The Play Day Chairman maintains the 50/50 pot. Prizes and event functions are

financed with these funds.

$1=1 ticket

$2=3 tickets

$3=5 tickets


Notify the Hospitality Chairman when you are aware a member is sick or

condolences are in order.


Fair Handicapping depends upon full, accurate information of a player’s ability as

reflected by her scores. Every golfer interested in fair play should make sure her

scores are recorded: good and bad, year around not just during the League

season. Incomplete records lead to unfair handicaps.


To be eligible for the Year End Awards, the player must have an established USGA

handicap and play ten play days during the March through October season. A

prize of a least of $25.00 will be awarded with each Year End Award. A person

may only be awarded one End of the Season award. If the event of a tie, the

award will be given to the player who has attended the most play days.

Order of awards:

Golfer of the Year

Most Improved Golfer

Up and Down


The award will be determined by the following point system:

  • 1 point for attendance at a General Meeting
  • 1 point for attendance if round is completed on regular play day and each day of tournament play

  • 3 points for 1 st place on play day
  • 2 points for 2 nd place on play day
  • 1 point for 3 rd place on play day
  • 1 point for each Birdie on play day
  • 1 point for each Chip-in on play day

Flighted tournament:

  • 7 points for Overall Champion
  • 5 points for 1 st place each flight
  • 4 points for 2 nd place each flight
  • 3 points for 3 rd place each flight

Unflighted tournament:

  • 7 points Overall Champion
  • 5 points for 1 st place
  • 4 points for 2 nd place
  • 3 points for 3 rd place


Player in each flight with most chip-ins and birdies combined made on Ladies Play

Day and Tournaments. Flights are based on handicap index on the last day of the



Most improved golfer will be determined using the same formula GSGA uses each

year to determine the most improved golfer at clubs state-wide. The Club Pro will

be able to run the report from GSGA with the beginning and ending dates of the

CLGA season.


ARTICLE I—The name of the association shall be Canongate 1 Ladies Golf

Association. (CLGA)

ARTICLE II—The purpose of the organization shall be to promote interest in golf

among women players of Canongate 1 Golf Club through the holding of weekly

play days, occasional tournaments, and other events as its officers may elect.


The officers of the Association shall be President, Secretary and Treasurer.

ARTICLE IV—The affairs of this Association shall be managed by a Board of

Directors composed of the Officers and the Chairman of the Standing




Membership in the Canongate Ladies Golf Association (CLGA) is open to any Lady

Member who has an established USGA handicap, GHIN number, and is in good

standing with any Club Corp Club.

Members play to a Maximum handicap of 36.


Section 1. Annual dues will be payable beginning November 1 st .

Section 2. Amount of annual dues shall be established by a two-thirds (2/3) vote

of the Board of Directors.

Section 3. No dues shall be refunded in case of resignation.


Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and in

general shall perform the duties inherent to her office. She shall name the

Chairman of the Standing Committees on which shall act as a member


Section 2. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meeting and handle the

Association correspondence.

Section 3. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all Association monies,

depositing such monies in the name and to the credit of the Association in such

Depositor as shall be designated by the Board of Directors.

Section 4. In the event an Officer resigns or vacates her office permanently, the

Board of Directors shall appoint a successor.


The Board of Directors shall meet at the call of the President at least twice

annually. A majority of its Members shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1. It is the duty of the President, as soon as possible after the election, to

appoint the chairpersons of the following standing committees: Hospitality,

Correspondence, and representatives for special events and functions.

a. Play Day Chairman and Tournament Chairman: The Play Day Chairman

shall schedule all weekly events and be responsible for keeping all records for

determining the end of season awards. The Tournament Chairman and Play Day

Chairman may appoint members as her assistants for the tournaments and play

days. Both Play Day Chairman and Tournament Chairman will be a voting

member of the current Board.

b. Hospitality Committee: The Chairman’s responsibilities include: Mail

cards to members who are sick and/or in the hospital; condolences sent to

members when appropriate. Arrange for the tee-off breakfast and the Christmas



Section 1. The fiscal year shall run from January 1 through December 31. The

books shall be subject to audit at the end of the fiscal year or upon request of the

incoming Treasurer or the President. Retain records for two (2) years.

Section 2. Checks may be signed by the Treasurer or President. All checks over

$100.00 must be approved by the President.

Section 3. No Member of the Association shall contract or cause to be made in the

name of the Association any debt of any nature whatsoever, without first

receiving proper authorization by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 4. See current budget above.


Section 1. The type of competition shall be determined by the Play

Day/Tournament Chairman with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Only Members in good standing, dues paid, with an established USGA

handicap are eligible for major tournaments, to vote, and for Golfer of the Year.

Section 3. Acceptance for membership shall bind each member to uphold the

rules and etiquette of golf as set forth by the USGA and to accept and observe all

decisions of the Board of Directors acting within its jurisdiction.


Section 1. A general meeting shall be held in conjunction with the tee-off

breakfast in March and at least two other times during the year. A Board Meeting shall be called by the President prior to the first general meeting in order

to prepare an agenda for the general meeting. The annual meeting for election of

officers will be held in December and these officers will take up their duties on

January 1.

Section 2. Official business of this Association cannot be transacted unless one-

third (1/3) of the active membership is present.

Section 3. All meeting will be conducted in accordance with “Robert’s Rules of



Section 1. In September the President and two other Members will be chosen to

comprise the Nominating Committee. The presiding Officer shall ask for

nominations from the floor. Any number of names may be submitted. The

Secretary should make a list of names nominated. A written ballot shall be taken

and counted. The two Members receiving the most votes shall serve on the

Nominating Committee.

Section 2. Notice of all nominations shall be posted by e-mail to Members at least

ten (10) days prior to voting. Voting will be conducted by e-mail and tallied by the

Nominating Committee.


Order of business at meetings:

Reading of minutes of previous meeting

Secretary Report

Treasurer Report

Report of Standing Committees

Old Business

New Business

Election of Officers at October meeting


(Revised March 2023)