CLGA Secretary's Report/Minutes

 Minutes of the CLGA Opening Meeting 3-4-24

1. Meeting opened at 9:oo am

Welcome and recognition of new members, Denise Willoughby and Katie Dearing.

Becky Bedell introduced as social and sunshine chair. Becky explained her role and

advised members to email her using GMAIL account only. Please delete her Colgate 

Email. Becky introduced George, the new Food and Bev director at CG. Janice lead

blessing followed by breakfast.

2. Maggie recognized Mary Louise Hunt as secretary. Any updates to contact list can be

made today through Becky B. Mary Louise will continue the CLGA blog this year. Info on

away tournaments, results, pictures, etc. will be featured. Cricket will pass results to ML

for posting.

3. Hesper Hall introduced as treasurer. Treasurer report given. End of season

balance:$1447.68; Current balance:$2607.68. Outstanding dues of $40 can be given to

Hesper. New member hole in one club $4.00, current members $2.00. Hesper will

contact anyone outstanding.

4. Becky Cochran introduced as Mid-GA Golf rep. Twenty-one member from Canongate.

Mystery Valley added as new club. Opening meeting and playday held at Sun City on

Feb. 26. Becky will touch base with new members to give more details.

5. Susan Clonts introduced as president of West-GA Golf. First playday coming up. Lisa

Jones is the White Oak Rep. Lisa will be entering WG playday scores for White Oak

members. Susan pointed out the new, second step required by Golf Genius when

signing up. Be sure to go select playing/not playing option, then confirm. Golfer integrity

was also addressed. Rounds of golf played should be entered into GHIN day of play

unless scores are input by organization.

6. Cricket Crenshaw introduced as Play Day Chair.

    A. Fairfield Dixie Open is Disney theme this year. Cricket has fliers and ML will post on


    B. Play Day sign in is between 8:20-9:00. Bring 4 dollars in an envelope with your name

    on it. 50/50 each week. Gather at carts at 9:15. Walkers let Cricket know as early as

    possible if walking or not. If possible, pick your tees for the season and stick with it.

    If changing, please alert Cricket.Please stay in the cart with the partner assigned

    even if you are on different tees. This allows everyone to interact more. Volunteers

    needed for each playday. Two people at the table. Cricket will set it up if she’s in

    town; otherwise, money bag is in the safe in golf shop, and the golf bag is hanging

    on the back of Shane’s door.

    C. Monthly game schedule will include 2 point style games and 2-3 other games. Tee

    time is 9:30 shotgun all season.

    D. Five players are needed at a playday for a payoff, but a playday point is awarded

    even if less than 5 play.

    E. Results posted on blog.

    F. Two tournaments this year; handicap and championship. Tentative dates are June

    17/18 and Oct. 14/15 respectively. Dates confirmed in upcoming weeks. Handicap

    tour. Requires 5 playdays and Championship tour. Requires 7 playdays. You will be

    credited a playday toward these requirements if you miss CLGA for a MID or West

    GA playday.

    G. No Par 3 tournament, however we will have a par three play day with a possible

    higher payout.

    H. End of Year Awards: most birdies/chip ins combined, golfer of the year, most

    improved. Points awarded as follows: playday 1 pt, first place 3 pt, second place 2

    pts, third place 1 pt, birdies and chip in 1 each. Ten playdays minimum to win player

    of the year.

7. Motion to close the meeting: Sharon Ledbetter, second Margaret Lauer. Motion passed


Respectfully submitted by Mary Louise Hunt, Secretary

Minutes of CGLGA 2/13/24 Board Meeting

Annual events and tentative dates and times.

• opening brunch and meeting: March 5, 8:30 a.m.
• handicap tournament: June 17-18 or June 10-11
• championship tournament: October 14-15
• end of year meeting and brunch: December3, 9 a.m.
• par 3 game will be a special playday, not tournament
• final playday Octtober 29


Opening meeting agenda

• Maggie: welcome and introductions, new members
• Cricket: overview of playdays, tournaments, handbook updates
• Mary Louise: blog, contact list
• Hesper: treasurer’s report, dues collection, hole in one
• Becky C.: Mid. GA information
• Becky B.: sunshine chair, brunch information



Annual budget the same as 2023. 

Hesper to provide updated balance at March meeting. 

Tournament fees upped to $20.


Items to discuss with Mary Louise:

Contact list; possibly combined list of CG and WO.

Becky and/or Cricket can forward current list.

Blog continuation.


 Respectfully submitted by Mary Louise Hunt, Secretary

Secretary’s Minutes 

CLGA Closing Day Meeting Breakfast

December 5, 2023

Meeting was called to order by President Mary Mitchell at 10:00 am.

Welcome from President Mary Mitchell 

Introduced and thanked the 2023 Board/Officers

President - Mary Mitchell

Secretary - Mary Louise Hunt

Treasurer - Hesper Hall

Play Day/Tournament Chairman - Cricket Crenshaw

Hospitality/Sunshine - Becky Bedell

Mary Mitchell will be stepping down as President for 2024.  Introduced new 

        President, Maggie Heatherman.

Thanked Beverly Moore for updating member roster and bylaws.

Recognized Marva Simpson, Mid-Georgia representative.  Becky Cochran will

        be Mid-Georgia Canongate Representative for 2024.

Recognized Lisa Jones as the WOLGA 2024 representative for West Georgia.  

        Susan Clonts will be the new President and Cricket Crenshaw will be the new 


Thanked membership for donations to Canongate Grounds Crew and Christian


Secretary’s Report

Maggie Heatherman moved to waive the reading of the minutes from the

        previous meeting.  Janis Turner seconded the motion.  Motion was passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Current Balance $1,647.68

Janis Turner moved to accept the report.  Margaret Lauer seconded the motion.

        Motion was passed.

Mid-GA Report-Marva Simpson

Dues for next year are $10.  We currently have 12 members signed up.

Winners for 2023 are as follows:


Margaret Walsh Handicap Tournament at Eagles Landing Country Club

Mary Mitchell - Flight 3, 3rd place

Margaret Burdenshaw Championship at Crystal Lake Golf Course

Susan Clonts - Flight 1, 2nd place

Hana Kim - Flight 1, 3rd place

Turkey Shoot at Flat Creek Golf Course

Brenda Dumas - Low Net Medalist

Diane Tschantz - Flight 8, Low Net


Heron Bay:      Mary Mitchell - Flight 5, 1st place

Sun City:         Hana Kim - Flight 1, 1st place

        Susan Clonts - Flight 1, 2nd place

        Becky Cochran - Flight 5, 2nd place

Canongate: Lisa Jones - Flight 1, 1st place

        Hana Kim - Flight 1, 2nd place

        Bok Yim - Flight 4, 1st place

        Becky Cochran - Flight 5, 2nd place

Whitewater: Hana Kim - Flight 1, 2nd place

        Lisa Jones - Flight 1, 2nd place

        Cricket Crenshaw - Flight 3, 1st place

Griffin City: Lisa Jones - Flight 1, 1st place

River Forest: Hana Kim - Flight 1, 1st place

Hickory Hill: Brenda Dumas - Flight 2, 1st place

        Becky Cochran - Flight 3, 1st place

        Mary Mitchell - Flight 6, 1st place

West GA Report - Diane Tschantz

Payouts for 2023 are not available yet.  Diane will notify everyone when they get 

        that sorted out.  Dues are $15 for next year.  We currently have 10 signed up.

        Summergrove will be added to the dates for next year.  Susan and Cricket are

        working on new policies for West Georgia Admin next year.

Report of Standing Committees

Hospitality/Sunshine - no report

Play Day/Tournament -

2024 Official Play Day starts March 5, 2024

2024 Tournament Dates TBD - Par 3, Handicap and Championship

                Tournaments.  Considering a Ringer Tournament to replace the Par 3

                Tournament.  Cricket will talk to Shane about having him help out more

                with Play Days.  The Handicap and Championship Tournaments will be

                handed over to Shane.  Suggestions for next year are welcome in the


Old Business

Parking spaces for Club Champion and Senior Club Champion are being

        worked out by the Club.

The Awards Plaques have been updated and are hanging in the Locker Room.

        There are a few missing years.  Mary Louise will look through old minutes for the

        missing winners.

New Business

Awards Presentation - Cricket Crenshaw

Up and Down Award (replaced Putter of the Year) - Total # of chip ins and

                birdies for 3 different flights:

Flight 1 - Cricket Crenshaw

Flight 2 - Janis Turner

Flight 3 - Mary Mitchell

Most Improved Golfer (used USGA formula this year) - Bok Yim

Golfer of the Year - Hana Kim

The Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am by Mary Mitchell.

Brenda Dumas gave the invocation/prayer for Breakfast.

Respectfully submitted by Mary Louise Hunt, Secretary

Secretary's Minutes

CLGA Meeting

October 31, 2023

Meeting was called to order by President Mary Mitchell at 8:49 am.

Welcome from President Mary Mitchell 

Recognized the 2023 Board/Officers

President - Mary Mitchell

Secretary - Mary Louise Hunt

Treasurer - Hesper Hall

Play Day/Tournament Chairman - Cricket Crenshaw

Hospitality/Sunshine - Becky Bedell

Secretary’s Report

Sharon Ledbetter moved to waive the reading of the minutes from the previous

        meeting.  Beverly Moore seconded the motion.  Motion was passed.

Treasurer’s Report

The checking account balance is approximately $1,700.00.  Bank statements were not available.    Maggie Heatherman moved to approve

        the Treasurer’s report.  Janis Turner seconded the motion.  Motion was passed.

Recognized Mid-GA Rep - Marva Simpson

        Marva thanked the group for their support during the season.  Officer elections 

        are coming up.  Marva will be stepping down as the Canongate rep for next year 

        so we will need a new rep.  She will have sign up sheets available for next year 

    at the End of the Season Brunch.

Recognized West GA Rep - Diane Tschantz

Cricket Crenshaw spoke on behalf of Diane.  Diane will be stepping down as 

        West GA Rep for White Oak.  Cricket and Susan Clonts will be sharing the 

        positions of President/Vice President of West GA.  Lisa Jones will step in as the 

        White Oak rep.  Sign up sheets for next season will be available at the End of 

        the Season Bruch.

Report of Standing Committees

Play Day/Tournament - Cricket welcomed feedback for next year.  All were in 

        agreement that she’s done a great job this season.

Hospitality/Sunshine - End of the Season Brunch will be December 5, 2023.  

        More information will be sent out soon from Becky.

Old Business


New Business

Mary Louise asked for feedback on the new CLGA website/blog.  Everyone 

        was in agreement that they were happy with the blog and its content.

Mary will be stepping down as President next year.  Cricket nominated Maggie 

        Heatherman to be the new President.  Janis Turner seconded the motion.  

        Motion passed.

50/50 Raffle was drawn.  The winner was Sarah Connors.

The Meeting was adjourned at 8:58 am by Mary Mitchell.

Respectfully submitted by Mary Louise Hunt, Secretary

Secretary’s Minutes

CLGA Opening Day Meeting Breakfast

March 7, 2023

President Mary Mitchell introduced the following from Canongate

Wil Heath, General Manager

Shane Warriner, Head Pro

Todd Ormsby, Head Instructor

Brenda Dumas gave the invocation/prayer for Breakfast.


Meeting was called to order by President Mary Mitchell at 9:13 am.

50/50 Raffle was drawn.  The winner was Cricket Crenshaw.

Welcome from President Mary Mitchell 

Introduced the 2023 Board/Officers

President - Mary Mitchell

Secretary - Mary Louise Hunt

Treasurer - Hesper Hall

Play Day/Tournament Chairman - Cricket Crenshaw

Hospitality/Sunshine - Becky Bedell

Recognized and welcomed new members:  Karen Cearley, Liz Hanson, Hana Kim and 

        Bunny Guy

Becky Cochran, Beth Shepard, Jodie Shepard, Melinda Bailey Buck and Annette Moran 

        all joined mid-season last year.

Secretary’s Report

Sharon Ledbetter moved to waive the reading of the minutes from the previous  meeting.

        Janis Turner seconded the motion.  Motion was passed.

Treasurer’s Report


Member Dues         $1,400

Carry Over Balance $1,350

Split the Pot $300

Santa Scramble (12/22/22) $140

Total Income $3,190


Tournaments $1,500

Mid GA         $5

Hospitality $575

Miscellaneous         $75

Hole in One $144

Total Expenses $2,299

Recognized Mid-GA Rep - Marva Simpson

Recognized West GA Rep - Diane Tschantz

Recognized and thanked the wait staff and presented extra tip money collected

Report of Standing Committees

Hospitality/Sunshine - Becky asked for everyone to alert her to surgeries and condolences

        they are aware of.  Becky will give birthday lists to Mary Louise Hunt to post on 


Old Business

The board is in the process of updating the 2023 roster.  It will be distributed when finished.  

The Handbook and By-Laws have been updated by the Board, typed up by Beverly Moore

        and distributed via email and posted to CLGA website/blog by Mary Louise Hunt.

New Business

Mary Louise presented and explained the new CLGA website/blog.  Pictures, news, weekly

        scores, minutes, etc. will be posted and updated on the website.

Mary pointed out the changes to the By-Laws.

There will be no match play for the 2023 season.

At the February 15, 2023 board meeting, we were introduced to the new head pro.  We 

        requested better marked tee boxes for forward tees.  New tee markers have been ordered 

        by the club.  We discussed ideas for better pace of play and fixing GPS on golf carts for our

        members with medical restrictions.  Cricket will provide a list of those members to be kept

        at the desk in the Pro Shop.

Cricket discussed the details for Play Day this season.  We will have a 50/50 pot raffle each


2023 Tournament Dates were announced.

May 9 Par 3 Tournament

June 19-20 Handicap Tournament

August 28-29         Championship or alternate Tournament

Kimmie Wise suggested that beverages and snacks post tournament in the clubhouse

        replace tee gifts for tournaments.  She also suggested that tournaments have no entry fee,

        and the entry fee be paid out of the budget.  There was discussion of this and further 

        discussion about the budget.  Cricket agreed to email the membership for further discussion.

March 23, 2023 the Club will host a Sands & Suds Divot Filling Party @ Canongate.  

        Members were encouraged to attend.

Diane Tschantz brought up the issue of slow play, ready play and playing through when

        groups ahead are behind.  Solutions were offered and discussed.

The Meeting was adjourned at 10:12 am by Mary Mitchell.

Respectfully submitted by Mary Louise Hunt, Secretary

February 15, 2023

CLGA Board Meeting

Call to Order 11:40 am

The meeting was called to order by President Mary Mitchell.  In attendance was:

Hesper Hall, Treasurer

Mary Louise Hunt, Recording Secretary

Cricket Crenshaw, Play Day/Tournament Chairman

Becky Bedell, Sunshine/Hospitality Chairman

Beverly Moore, Guest

Shane Warriner, Head Golf Pro

Treasurers Report

Current Balance is $2,381.12.  Approximately $200 of that is the Hole-in-One Fund.  

Budget for 2023:

Hospitality:   $575.00

Awards/Tournaments: $1,200.00

Mid-GA:   $5.00

Miscellaneous: $75.00

Total: $1,855.00

Going forward, Hesper will keep a specific line item ledger of the budget so that we can better track monies year over year.  The Board will reassess the budget at the end of the year for adjustments for next year.

Old Business

Membership Roster - Becky will update and send to Board members

The Board made changes to the Handbook and Bylaws.  Beverly Moore will edit the current Handbook and Bylaws and distribute to the Board for corrections.  Mary Louise will attach amended Handbook and Bylaws to Secretary Report and distribute to members.

There will be no match play for the 2023 season under CLGA.

New Business

Cricket discussed with Shane the particulars for Tournaments and the use of Golf Genius this season.  Among the items discussed were better marked tee boxes for the forward tees, ideas to better the pace of play, and fixing GPS on golf carts for our members with medical restrictions. Cricket will provide a list of those members to Shane to be kept at the desk in the Pro Shop.

We invited Shane Warriner and Will Heath, General Manager to come to our Opening Breakfast.  Each member in attendance will pay $10 for breakfast which will include mimosas.  Mary Louise will send a reminder flyer for the Breakfast on 2/22/2023.

Tournament dates for the season are as follows:

Par 3 Tourament - May 9

Handicap Tournament - June 19-20

Championship Tournament - August 28-29

Opening Day is March 7, 2023 at 8:30 am.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted by Mary Louise Hunt

1/6/2022  Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 8:55am by President Mary Mitchell


Board present:  President Mary Mitchell, Treasurer Hesper Hall and Secretary Sharon Ledbetter

     Committee members present Cricket Crenshaw – playday chair and Becky Bedell -  hospitality/sunshine chair


New Business:  for 2023 we need to elect new secretary.  Nomination for Mary Louise Hunt, voted and passed.

 Re-elected Mary Mitchell – president.  Cricket Crenshaw – playday chair.  Hesper Hall another term for treasurer 

and Becky Bedell hospitality/sunshine.  Treasurer report by Hesper Hall as of December our balance is $1350.12

Motion to not read secretaries report by Brenda Dumas and 2nd by Cricket Crenshaw.  The dues for CLGA 2023 

will increase to $40.00 a year.  Our Mid-Ga rep is Marva Simpson our W-Ga rep is Diane Tzchantz. 


Old Business – None


Janis Turner talked about possible sponsorship to raise money in 2023.


The league maybe over but play continues on Tuesday’s.  Show up by 9:30am play will begin at 10am, weather 



Meeting adjourned 9:05am by President Mary Mitchell.  Mary asked Janis Turner to give blessing so that we could 

eat brunch.   

10:42am we came back to order to hand out our 2022 Awards.


Kimmie Wise handed out the Match Play winnings (in order by 1st to last place) Bok, Mary Mitchell, Cricket, Maggie, 

Becky, Kimmie, Janis, Margaret Lauer,  Marva and Hesper.

Cricket Crenshaw handed out the CLGA awards for 2022:  Putter of the Year – Susan Clonts,  Most Improved – Becky 

Bedell and the

Golfer of the Year – Cricket Crenshaw.


Respectfully submitted

Sharon Ledbetter’s
