WOLGA Secretary's Report/Minutes

Minutes from WOLGA Board Meeting January 31, 2025

Call to order 12:00

Board members listed on the Agenda. Staff listed. Angela Ormsby no longer teaching pro. Her replacement? And Chef?

Opening Day Breakfast will be March 6. Check in 8:30, food served at 9:00, tee times beginning at 11:00.
Pancake Breakfast with bacon, sausage, fruit. No mimosas. The Club has now opted for a $15 minimum charge per person. WOLGA can cover part, attendees will pay $10. No need to invite Honorary Members. 

Merger Committee has been formed. Add Karen Cearly. Will begin to meet in April. Both leagues will be updated regularly during this process.

Clothing Drive will be run by Beth Shepard. Details TBA. Include men’s clothing this year.

Play Day will be organized by Mary Louise. Hesper will work the check in table, Cricket will help with entering scores. Cat Fight each week except for the occasional specialty weeks. Get volunteers to put these together. Players need to be reminded to post all scores and will be responsible for their own cards. For end of year, eliminate ringers from the awards.

Tournament Dates TBD. Do away with tee gifts and put that money towards celebrations at end of day 2. Handicap Tournament will be in honor of Linda Quick.

Memberships paid to date total 33. Anticipate 40, with average 18 players each week. Donations are in the works. Other adjustments to help with Budget include: adding men’s clothes to the drive, eliminating ringers, reduce end of year gifts to $25, no tee gifts, Sunshine gift cards sent only to those who get put under anesthesia, possibly set up 50/50 at MGA events, move some money from Play Day supplies.

Payouts and Accomplishment awards were explained. 

Switch from tee times to shotgun start beginning March 13. Have reservation notifications sent to ML. 

Meeting adjourned at 1:45.

WOLGA January 23, 2023 Meeting White Oak Club

In attendance;

Bev Martin - President

Hesper Hall - VP, Tournaments

Sandi Kirpatrick - Communication

Mary Louise Hunt - Sunshine

Janis Turner - Recording Secretary

Lisa Jones - Past President/COB

Kimmie Wise - Payday Chair

Karen Cearly - Treasurer

Notes listed by Agenda then Miscellaneous 

Membership - 36 paid to date. 50 members stated for budget purposes.

Bev presented past list of members.  Mary Louise volunteered to update through

Golf genius.

McKoon - Bev has asked Bev Morris to contact for request $500.00 annual support.

Weldon - Bev will ask Margaret Lauer to contact for request of $250.00 annual support.

Others - Hesper will follow up with Beverly Morris to contact Avery Parks (Parks & Pope

Investments) for new $ support.

Opening Day/Breakfast - March 2 (8:15)

Bev Martin will followup with Michelle, WO food manager on budget cost.

$150.00 Budgeted, balance to be paid by attendees.

Board members will sit at head table.

Board Duties for opening breakfast:

Karen - collect $ membership dues and drink tickets (1per attendee)

Sandi - 50/50

Kimmie - Sign ups for playday after breakfast - $4.00

Janis - Locker sale of leftover gifts

Mary Louise - will present Sunshine duties - budget $350.00. Ask members to 

let her know of surgeries ($25.00)/illnesses (cards)/deaths ($25.00 to charity). 

Year end breakfast/supplies - Date ?

Budget $500.00 for breakfast and supplies, $800.00 for awards.

President office expenses - $50.00


Planning by Hesper

Partner/Spring - April 19th & 20th $300.00

Handicap - May 24th & 25th $500.00

Championship - September 27th & 28th $500.00

Total budget - $1300.00

Play Day 30 X’s $22.00 = $660.00.

budget to be adjusted based on membership count.

Weekly cost to play $4.00. 

Game payout $10.00 first, $7.00 2nd, $5.00 Third.

Kimmie will choose games to be played each week.

Board had discussion on the change from point play to choice of game.

Decision was our By Laws states that Playday chair makes that choice.

Last playday to be October 26. 32 playdays and 3 tournaments.

Playday budget - See 2023 Budget for breakout.

We will continue to have closets to pin for both Tees based on total number

of players each week. $10.00 per

There will be accomplishment awards based on first Chip-ins (one per player).


Lisa will set up Kimmie, Mary Louise, and Bev.

Mary Louise offered to update membership list and reactivate our  Blog and 

Post weekly updates.

Mary Louise will post our Budget and Minutes.

Board in agreement for Mary Louise to add her company logo on Blog.

Karen presented budget for review and several changes were made.

Discussion on appreciation gifts for year end to be given to - Pro, and assistant,

August (GM), and Michelle (restaurant manager), and Flora (cleaner). Budget adjusted for these gifts.

All board members are to review By Laws found on Blog.

Bev closed meeting by thanking all for participation.

Meeting adjourned 2:45.

Submitted to board for review and corrections/additions. January 29, 2023 Janis Turner

Minutes from WOLGA Board Meeting
February 12, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President Susan Gillespie at 9:00 a.m.  Others in attendance were, Vice President Lisa Jones, Treasurer Karen Cearley, Recording Secretary Bev Martin, Diane Tschantz, Margaret Lauer.
Discussion regarding to have an odd number of officers for voting purposes.  Currently there are four voting officers. 
Proposed  to add Diane Tschantz to be the corresponding secretary.  Will vote on March 5, 2020 Opening Breakfast.

Play Day Chair - Lisa Jones
Event Hostess - Janis Turner and Marilyn Lynn
Sunshine - Jennifer Pierson
Statistics (End of Year) – Susan Gillespie

Wolga will continue to use the Blog and Golf Genius again this year.

Discussed Opening Day Breakfast on March 5th, arrive at 7:30 am to check in followed by breakfast to be served at 8:00 am.  Cost to members for breakfast will be $5.00 which includes the tip.  Weather permitting our Play Day Chair, Lisa Jones, has proposed to play a scramble.

Discussion regarding, after play on Thursdays’, Susan will provide results the following day or so.  Money for the birdies, chip-ins and playday winners will be ready for pick up the following Thursday.  The winners will receive $10.00 for First Place, $7.00 for Second Place, $5.00 for Third Place in envelopes, as we did last year.  As noted above birdies and chip-ins winners will receive the money in envelopes the following Thursday.

This year Play Day Chair Lisa Jones will have volunteers to help run the sign in and after game duties.

Rules Committee – One of our Pro’s and Jodie Shepard
West Georgia representatives are Carolyn Schuett and Marsha Mauldin.

Play Day guidelines will be the same as last year.
During March, April and November check in time is 9:15 am with a start time of 10:00.

May, June, July, August, September and October check in time is 8:45 am with a start time of 9:30 am.  Last Play Day is November 12, 2020.

Game fee will be the same at $3.00 which includes:  birdies, chip-ins, proximity.  The 50/50 will also be available.
Discussed was to continue the same award for the Proximity end of year award to be personalized golf ball.  Sunshine same as in the past years. 
Susan will do an inventory.
Our March Volunteers for Play Day check in will be Diane Tschantz and Barbara Nadreau.

April 8 & 9, 2020 – Shoot Out Tournament
May 27 & 28, 2020 – Handicap Tournament
September 30 & October 1, 2020 –Championship Tournament
Discussion on the Budget is based on 31 playdays and 52 members, so far.  Hoping for 60 members this season.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 am

Respectfully submitted by Bev Martin, Recording Secretary


Minutes from WOLGA Board Meeting

February 13, 2018

The meeting was called to order by President Susan Gillespie at 10:00 AM.  Also attending were Vice President Marilyn Lynn, Treasurer Karen Cearley, Tournament Committee Beth Shepherd, Playday Committee Carolyn Schuett, Statistician/Ringers Carol McMeekin, and Secretary Carol Wells.
President Susan distributed copies of the Officer Responsibilities and each office was discussed.
President Susan distributed copies of “Important Golfing Dates for 2018 which includes WGA monthly playdays, GSWGA tournaments, GWGA tournaments, CLGA tournaments, and The White Oak Ladies and Senior Ladies Club Championship Tournaments.  President Susan and Tournament Committee Beth Shepherd provided the dates for the 2018 WOLGA Tournaments:  Ringer Tournament May 3rd, Handicap Tournament June 28th and 29th, Championship Tournament September 27 and 28th.  The Handicap and Championship Tournament have been scheduled for Thursday and Friday this year.
Discussion was held regarding the published changes to Play Day.  The new game Low Gross Low Net (LGLN) will begin the 4th Thursday of March (March 22nd).  The remaining play days will be a modified stableford points.  President Susan walked everyone through the updated forms and stressed the importance of always making sure all sheets are current.  Another play day change is the winners  will receive cash instead of Proshop credit.  The Mulligan pot will change to the Mulligan/Proximity pot and will be increased to $1.00.  The plan for this year is to have 2 Guest Days  the last Thursday in May and August.  The Guest Fee will be $25.00 for non Club-Corp Members. 
President Susan lead the discussion of the proposed budget for 2018.  Two of our Sponsors increased their donations this year.  The proposed budget was approved.
Treasurer Karen advised we have 64 members as of 02/13/17
Accomplishment Awards were discussed.  Break 100, 90, 80 will be awarded when they occur and not wait until the end of the year. 
It was agreed the Membership Directory will be published 3 times a year.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 AM.
Respectfully submitted by Carol Wells, Secretary


 Minutes from WOLGA Board Meeting

January 25, 2017

The meeting was called to order by President Janis Turner at 1:05 pm.  Also attending were Past President Margaret Lauer, Vice President Susan Gillespie, Treasurer Sandra Lancaster, Tournament Chair Susan ClontsPlayday Co-Chairs Bunny Guy, Anne Henderson and Carolyn Schuett, Sunshine Chair Linda Brown, Statistician/Ringers Carol McMeekin, and Secretary Ruth Routsong.

President Janis welcomed the three Playday Chairs and described their duties and where the supplies are kept in the women’s locker room.   They were asked to develop a playday calendar detailing the games to be played for 2017.

President Janis distributed copies of the Officer Responsibilities and asked each Officer to read and let her know of any comments or suggested changes.  She also asked everyone to read the “General Rules and Guidelines for Play” and the “Constitution and By-Laws” prior to the March 2, 2017, Opening Breakfast.   

Discussion followed regarding further definition of the Vice President’s role and responsibilities.  VP Susan G. will develop a revised definition focusing on her role as Parliamentarian, overseeing tournaments and general assistance where needed.   In addition, discussion followed regarding adding the Past President role officially as the Chairman of the Board.  The duties are to assist the President and help wherever needed.   

Both of these changes require amendments to our Constitution.  Article IV which lists the officers will be changed to reflect the Chairman of the Board first, President second, etc. etc.   Article VII which defines the Duties of Officers will be changed to reflect the new Chairman of the Board duties and revised Vice President duties.  Treas. Sandra moved and Sec. Ruth seconded.  Motion passed.  VP Susan G. will develop the wording of the proposed changes which will be communicated to all members at least two weeks prior to the March 2nd general meeting.  Members will be asked to vote on these changes at the March 2nd meeting.

Discussion followed regarding whether to publish the membership directory on the Blog or continue with it as an email.   Due to the concern of members who do not want their personal information on the Blog, the membership directory will continue to be emailed to each member.  As changes occur, they will be updated on the master list, and a new membership list will be emailed to each member (as opposed to only emailing the new information).  Sec. Ruth will be assuming the responsibility for keeping the membership list up to date from Lisa Jones.  Ruth will provide the new list to Communications Chair Lanelle for distribution to all members.

President Janis distributed copies of “Important Golfing Dates for 2017” which included WGA monthly playdays, GSWGA tournaments, GWGA tournaments, CLGA tournaments, and the White Oak Ladies and Senior Ladies Club Championship Tournaments.   Everyone present was asked to support our local Ladies Championship Tournaments and to encourage others to participate.  Discussion followed regarding whether participation could be enhanced by changing the Senior Ladies Tournament to a Friday/Saturday tournament or two consecutive Saturdays to encourage members who do not want to golf on a Sunday. We will talk to the Pro regarding White Oak championship tournaments’ days played and promotion to gain more participation.     

Tournament Chair Susan C. was asked to work with the Pro Shop to schedule our three WOLGA tournaments:  Ringer, Handicap and Championship.  Discussion followed regarding how to handle members playing from the green tees or those who prefer to play only one day of the tournament.  Women playing from the green tees will be a separate flight.  It was agreed that winners of the Handicap and Championship tournaments must play from the purple tees.  Pres. Janis indicated tee gifts need to be ordered 6-8 weeks in advance or all cash awards can be used.  Those decisions are up to Tournament Chair Susan C.  
Discussion followed regarding members’ reaction to “playing the ball down” during tournaments.  This has come as a “surprise” to some members on the morning of tournaments as our league permits moving the ball up to a club length in the fairway during regular play.  The following suggestions were made to educate and prepare everyone for the tournament:  (1) discuss at Opening Breakfast Meeting, (2) add notation on sign-up sheet, (3) exceptions based on course conditions will be allowed, and (4) work with the course to pre-mark “ground under repair” areas.
Pres. Janis complimented Treas. Sandra for the beautiful job she has done on the women’s Bulletin Board in the locker room.

The Playday Chairs were asked to excuse themselves to start developing the playday calendar.  Discussion included:  (1) re-instituting the “Fun Day” with senior men where we invite them to golf with our group on a Thursday and they invite us to golf with them on their Tuesday playday (WOLGA provides breakfast for both events!), (2) Par 3 game on Opening Day which is set up by Sean in the Pro Shop, (3) change our Low Gross/Low Net playdays to have two flights with one Low Gross and one Low Net winner in each flight,  and (4) suggestions on different games that can be played.  Prize money for top three winners on most playdays are $10, $7, and $5 and points given are 3, 2, and 1 respectively.   VP Susan G. will provide iPad check-in training to the new PlaydayChairs. Treas. Sandra volunteered an iPad to use if Arleen Carleo’s iPad is no longer available.
Sunshine Chair Linda suggested we add birthday greetings on the Blog each month to those celebrating a birthday that month.  Everyone agreed it was a good idea.  Linda will work with Susan G. to post on Blog.  It was reconfirmed that cards are sent to members who are ill, a $25 gift card is sent to anyone staying overnight in the hospital, and a $50 donation to a charity of choice when a member or spouse passes away.
Treas. Sandra asked that when people are submitting receipts for reimbursement, they need to write their name on the receipt and what it was for.  She also announced we have 46 paid members as of today, which is about the same as last year.  Many people will pay at the Opening Day Breakfast.  VP Susan G. said she will post a “Membership Drive” on the Blog prior to the meeting.

Discussing the Proposed 2017 Budget was next on the agenda.  Treas. Sandra walked thru the 2016 Budget, Actual Expenses, and Proposed 2017 Budget amounts for each line item.  Minimal changes were suggested.  The “Hole in One Fund” will be shown as a “reserve” and not included in the total budget.  There is currently $148 in the fund.  Members who are not in the fund are encouraged to pay their $2 in case they get a Hole in One.  She will prepare a revised budget for publication on the Blog.  It will be voted on by the members at the March 2 meeting.  Also, a new chart showing the playday games and amount of payoffs will be developed.  For some fun games, golf balls have been used in the past for winners.

Discussion was held regarding what playday information needs to be passed on to others.  The actual playdaycards and sheets showing scores/winners plus Chip-In and Birdies, need to be passed on to Stat. Carol.  A copy of the sheets needs to be kept with the playday materials.  A summary needs to be given to Treas. Sandra, VP Susan G. for the Blog, and Communications Chair Lanelleto send to members.  Members will be asked to note if they “broke 100, broke 90 or broke 80” on the sign-in sheet.  Awards will be given throughout the year as accomplished with an acknowledgement given at the year-end awards meeting in December.  

The next topic was discussing Hole #8 on Seminole.  It was agreed to institute a “walk-around” policy for regular playdays as well as tournaments.  If you hit your drive into the ditch, you can walk it around to the green tees, and add one additional stroke (one in, two out, three walk around, and hitting four from green tees).  This will be added to the Playday Rules.

Accomplishment Awards were discussed.  The Birdie towels left from last year will be given to people this year who hadn’t received one last year when they get a Birdie on playday.  Birdie ball markers will be ordered for use in 2017 as members get a birdie.  
Meeting adjourned at 3:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Routsong, Secretary