Thursday, December 10, 2020

2020 Awards and Year End Lunch

Thank you God for such a beautiful day. We had lovely weather and the company was even better.  We had 32 ladies come out today to the back lower patio of White Oak and salute 2020 year of Wolga.  We enjoyed Mimosas and Poinsettias compliments of WOLGA and some of us enjoyed a boxed lunch and cookies.  I forgot to mention today that my auditor for the annual stats was Lanelle Heminger.  We reviewed all data under dual control.

We had a moment of silence for those that left us this year and a video memorial tribute.  You can view the video here, if you missed it today.

Patti Wall - August 13, 2020
Kathy Fisher - October 30, 2020
Judy Furlong - November 27, 2020

Our 2020 League Award Winners are as follows:

Golfer of the Year: Susan Clonts with 64 points

Most Improved Golfer: Jodi Shepard 1.04%

Ringers Old Course

Flight A - $40    BETH SHEPARD - 65
Flight B - $40    JENN PIERSON - 72
Flight C - $40    BEV MARTIN - 74
Flight G - $40    MARILYN LYNN - 80


Ringers Seminole

Flight A - $40   KAREN CEARLEY - 64
Flight B - $40    BECKY COCHRAN - 75
Flight C - $40    RUTH ROUTSONG - 78
Flight G - $40    MARILYN MILLER - 79



Flight A - $40   JANIS TURNER - 15
Flight B - $40   CRICKET CRENSHAW - 6
Flight C - $40   DIANE TSCHANTZ - 3
Flight G - $40   JUDY WARNER - 2



Flight A - $40   JOAN LAND - 4
Flight B - $40   SHARON LEDBETTER - 3
Flight C - $40   SARAH CONNORS - 4
Flight G - $40   ARLEEN CARLEO - 4

Flight breakdown was as follows: 

A - Flight - 3.9 to 19.8
B - Flight - 20.1 to 25.4
C - Flight - 27.1 to 33.8 (includes Green with less than 32)
G - Flight - Green players with HDC over 32

If you were not in attendance to receive you gift card please call me about arranging to pick up your card from my house.

I have cards for Jennifer Pierson,  Ruth Routsong, Sarah Connors, and Arleen Carleo.

I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and I will see you in March.


Sunday, November 29, 2020

Year End Awards and Golf

 Merry Christmas and Happy Year Ladies of Wolga,

This year has certainly been a year like no other for our LGA.  I really appreciate everyone holding it together and trying to make the best of a very bad situation.  For a year that was plagued, literally with the plague, everyone pulled together and enjoyed what they could for play day.  We actually had some record participation.  I will compare it to toilet paper: if you make it seem scarce everyone wants some.  

This season's year end celebration will be somewhat limited in nature.  I have arranged for us to meet on the lower back patio of the club house at the fire pit area on December 10th.  Michelle is planning a simple box lunch pickup arrangement for those that want to have a bite to eat (I will let you know the cost later).  We will have a champagne toast for those that want to go inside and pickup a cocktail at the bar.  I will be there at 10:30, and we will have our toast at 11.  The fire pit will be lit and there will be additional heaters on the lower patio.  If you are not able to gather on the patio, you are welcome to take a chair and sit on the grassy area below, or in your cart.   

We will observe our Memorial Moment to honor those that we lost this season.  I have a video prepared for the TVs on the upper patio.  We will have a memorial table there in remembrance. 

I will present the annual award winners at 11:30, if you are a winner and unable to attend your prize will be available for pickup at my house after the event on the 10th.  For any that feel comfortable in the dining area, you may also sit inside.  

An email from Golf Genius will be sent later today, please RSVP to that email like you do normally for a play day event.  

We will have some tee times blocked off after noon for those that would like to play nine holes.  

There are no official games for the remainder of 2020 and into 2021, however, we will have a block of tee times every week and an email will be sent out for signup as usual.  This is for the purpose of informing the proshop of the number of times and players we have for the day.

I hope to see everyone on the 10th, and if not I wish you and your family a safe and Happy Holiday Season and Merry Christmas.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Play Day Results for October 15th

 Nice weather today.   Old Course was a real bear today with the damp rough.


Our Championship Tournament is coming up October 28th and 29th.  Please come out and support the league.  Lisa has worked very hard trying to put together our tournaments under the trying Covid times.  Please come out and show her your support for her hard work.  The tournament is a gross tournament and it is flighted.  Cost is $10.  Text Lisa at 770-328-4332 to sign up.


Todays winners: 50/50 pot was Carleo and Thrall

1st - Sheryl Massenberg +2
2nd - Barbara Nadreau +2 * Card Playoff
3rd - Carolyn Schuett +1 * Card Playoff with Connors


Also, Bev Morris +3, Salme Svensson +2, and Charlotte M +2 however, they are frozen at Even

Birdies $7.50 each
Karen Cearley
Cricket (Crystal) Crenshaw


No Chip-Ins today - the pot will go to our year end
Chip-in winner funds.


Net Skins Flight A $3 each
Karen Cearley 2
Janis Turner
Sharon Ledbetter
Cricket (Crystal) Crenshaw
Beth Shepard


Net Skins Flight B $3 each
Diane Tschantz 2
Barbara Nadreau
Arleen Carleo
Susan Gillespie


See you next week

**Morris, Myczkowski, and Heminger are no longer frozen after today's game. 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Play Day Results for October 8th

 Beautiful day for golf.

Our Championship Tournament is coming up October 28th and 29th.  Please come out and support the league.  Lisa has worked very hard trying to put together our tournaments under the trying Covid times.  Please come out and show her your support for her hard work.  The tournament is a gross tournament and it will be flighted.  Cost is $10. 
Text Lisa at 770-328-4332 to sign up.

Todays winners:

1st - Hana Kim +8
2nd- Janis Turner +4
3rd - Brenda Dumas +4

*Ann Henderson  and Hesper Hall also had +4 
Janis and Brenda win in card play off

Birdies $2 each
Hana Kim 2
Janis Turner 2
Margaret Lauer
Ann Henderson
Brenda Dumas
Marilyn Miller
Carol McMeekin

Chip-Ins $2 each
Joan Land
Sandi Kirkpatrick
Marilyn Miller
Bev Morris 2
Bok Yim
Jennifer Pierson
Carol McMeekin

Net Skins Flight A $4 each
Ann Henderson|
Marilyn Miller
Hana Kim

Net Skins Flight B $4 each
Arleen Carleo 2
Carol McMeekin 2
Barbara Nadreau 
Shirley Hasty 
Becky Cochran
Jane Buck

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Play Day Results for September 3rd

Super hot day.  I don’t know how you girls do it.  I would be dead.  We had net skins today divided between Purple tees and Green tees.

 Winners today:

We had a +7 by Arleen Carleo and a +5 by Carolyn Schuett, however, they are frozen at Even for this round since moving to the Green tee.

 A three way tie of +1 for first place is broken with a card play off.

1st – Hesper Hall
2nd – Joan Land
3rd – Charlotte Myczkowski


Birdies @ $3ea
Jenn Pierson
Arleen Carleo
Susan Clonts
Beth Shepard 2

Chip-Ins @$2ea
Jenn Pierson 2
Bok Yim
Joan Land
Joyce Davidson
Arleen Carleo 2

Net Skins Purple Tees
Jenn Pierson $5
Beth Shepard $5
Margaret Choi $5

Net Skins Forward Tees
Arleen Carleo $15
Carolyn Schuett $10
Beverly Martin $5
Marilyn Lynn $5
Marilyn Miller $5

Don't forget next week is at Flat Creek.  Please sign up through Golf Genius.  If you have questions please call or text Lisa 770-328-3442

See you soon

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Play Day Results for August 20th

Sorry for any confusion today for course of play.  When the rounds were set up last month (30 days in advance) our course was Old, however I did not check to see of the course was still the same.  It was my error and I am sorry for any confusion. Please do not give the play day committee a hard time for the switching of course.  It is really not different than we always played in the passed. We did not know for sure which course we were playing until Thursday morning.  It is really no big deal, please do not kill the messenger unless you want to volunteer to be the MESSENGER!!  Skins today were all net since we had less than 30 players.


Winners today.


1st - Lisa Jones +3 

2nd - Tita Bautista +2

3rd - Sandi Kirkpatrick +2


Birdies @ $5ea

Lisa Jones

Karen Cearley

Susan Clonts


No Chip Ins


Skins - Flight A

Margaret Lauer $14
Karen Cearley $14


Skins - Flight B

Tital Bautista $8
Carolyn Schuett $8

Jean Waddell $4

Diane Tschantz $4

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Play Day Results for August 13th


Another sweaty - sticky day.  I really do not know how you gals do it.  I would be melted from the heat.  We had Gross Skins and Net Skins today. 

Winners today:

1st – Ruth Routsong +10 great game Ruth and she broke 90
2nd – Sharon Ledbetter +4
3rd – Hesper Hall +3


BIRDIES @$1 each (sorry too many today)

Janis Turner
Karen Cearley 2
Margaret Lauer
Susan Clonts 4
Sharon Ledbetter
Salme Svensson
Hesper Hall
Cricket Crenshaw
Diane Tschantz


CHIP-INS @$4 each

Judy Warner
Jenn Pierson
Tita Bautista
Sandi Kirkpatrick


Gross Chicken Skins @$4 each

Susan Clonts 3
Karen Cearley 2
Margaret Lauer 1
Sharon Ledbetter 1


Net Chicken Skins @$4 each

Hesper Hall 2
Ruth Routsong 2
Charotte Myczkowski 1
Diane Tschantz 1
Sandi Kirkpatrick 1


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Play Day Results August 6th

Another sweltering day, however, it did not affect some of our A players.  Good games girls.  All skins were net today since we did not have a good split with handicaps.

Winners Today.

1st - Susan Clonts +8
2nd – Karen Cearley +7
3rd – Jodi Shepard +6

Birdies @1.50ea
Susan Clonts 5
Karen Cearley 2
Beth Shepard 2
Jodie Shepard 
Marilyn Lynn
Jenn Pierson
Joyce Davidson

Chip Ins @ $7ea
Marilyn Lynn
Beth Shepard

Skins – The Sweaty Sweethearts (14pts UP)

Becky Cochran $7
Jennifer Pierson $7
Beth Shepard $7
Jodi Shepard $7

Skins – The Glistening Gladiators (13pts DOWN)

Marilyn Lynn $14
Trish Nease $7
Joyce Davidson $7

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Play Day Results for July 30th

We had 31 players today and had our Chick Fight game with Chicken Skins.

Today's winners on Old Course

1st = Marilyn Miller + 8
2nd = Ruth Routsong +5
3rd =  Sharon Ledbetter +4

Sandi Kirkpatrick had a stunning +13 from the Green T - she is Frozen at Even for 2 rounds. Congratulations!

Birdies @$2
Lisa Jones 2
Bev Martin
Joan Land
Beth Shepard 2
Hesper Hall
Marilyn Miller

Chip Ins @$8
Sharon Ledbetter
Hesper Hall

Skins  Gross
Lisa Jones 2 -  $8
Beth Shepart 2 - $8
Bev Martin 1 - $4
Joan Land 1 - $4

Net Skins 16 Points and Down
Bev Morris 2 - $12
RoseMarie Hurley 1 - $6
Margaret Choi 1 - $6
Hesper Hall 1 - $6
Marilyn Miller 1 - $6

See you next week.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Play Day Results for July 23rd

I really don't know how you gals do it.  I would die out there.  Too Hot!!
Diane really play the heck out of Seminole.  Some really good scores today.  Congrats to Becky Cochran with an 89 - "Broke 90" score.   We had only 32 today but still did skins since we announced we would have skins game before we had a few players cancel.

Today's winners:

1st = Diane Tschantz +10 **WOWza
2nd = Becky Cochran +4 *
3rd =  Shepard and Ledbetter +4  **

*Becky wins card play off
** Shepard and Ledbetter in unbreakable tie

Birdies $1.5ea

Janis Turner 3
Diane Tschantz 2
Margaret Lauer
Karen Cearley
Bev Morris
Beth Shepard
Sharon Ledbetter
Jenn Pierson

Chip Ins @$8ea
Diane Tschantz
Jean Waddell

Skins  Gross
Janis Turner 2 - $8
Margaret Lauer $4
Karen Cearley $4
Jenn Pierson $4

Net Skins 17 Points and Down
Tita Bautista 2 - $20
Diane Tschantz $10
Charlotte Myczkowski $10

See you next week.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Play Day Results for July 16th

Another muggy day.  Love Georgia weather - it is one of the places on earth where you can say: We have weather you can wear.

We had 32 play today and we also had a skins game.

1st = Margaret Lauer +2 
2nd = Rosemarie Hurley +2 *
3rd = Louse Cox +1
*Margaret wins card play off
B.Martin and Carleo also with +1 Cox wins card play off

Birdies $5 ea
Susan Clonts
Karen Cearly
Marilyn Lynn

Chip Ins @$4ea
Cricket Crenshaw
Janis Turner
Bev Morris
Judy Warner

Skins 18 Points and Up
Susan Clonts 1-  $5
Karen Cearley 1 - $5

Net Skins 17 Points and Down
Arleen Carleo 1 - $5

Marilyn Lynn 1 - $5
RoseMarie Hurley 1 - $5
Sheryl Massenberg 1 - $5
Bev Martin 1 - $5
Ruth Routsong 1 - $5

See you next week.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Shepard Wins Club Championship

WOLGA's own Jodie Shepard wins the White Oak Ladies Club Championship.  Congratulations Jodie.  Enjoy the parking spot.
Lisa Jones comes in second in the championship.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Another Scorching Day

Susan Clonts really burned up the course today with a 70 and 43 points. Very impressive Susan. Congratulations on a super game.

1st = Susan Clonts +13 
2nd = Marilyn Lynn +4
3rd = Margaret Choi +3

Birdies @$2
Susan Clonts 5
Margaret Lauer
Janis Turner
Joan Land
Jennifer Pierson
Hesper Hall

Chip-Ins $5 ea
Marilyn Lynn
Jennifer Pierson
Rosemarie Hurley

Gross Skins 18 Points and Up

Susan Clonts 4  $22

Net Skins 17 Points and Down
Louise Cox 2 $10
Margaret Choi $5
Trish Nease $5
Jennifer Pierson $5
Jean Waddell $5
Rosemarie Hurley $5
Hesper Hall $5
Beverly Morris $5

See you next week. Stay cool and safe.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Play Day Chick Fight for June 25th

Today's winners on Seminole

1st Bev Martin +9
2nd Lisa Jones + 7

3rd Brenda Dumas +6

Birdies $2ea

Bev Martin
Karen Cearley
Susan Clonts
Brenda Dumas
Lisa Jones
Joan Land
Margaret Lauer
Janis Turner

Chip-ins $16
Sharon Ledbetter

Welcome back Lanelle Heminger with a +10, however, Frozen at +2. 

See you next week

Friday, June 19, 2020

Play Day Results June 18th

Very pretty day today. 
Today's winners on Old Course

1st Janis Turner +9*
2nd Lisa Jones +9
3rd  Bok Yim +6 *
Janis wins card playoff
Carol McMeekin also +6 Bok wins card playoff

Birdies $2ea
Carol McMeekin
Karen Cearley 2
Lisa Jones 2
Margaret Lauer 2

Jennifer Pierson
Jodi Shepard 
Beth Shepard
Janis Turner 2

Chip-ins $5ea
Salme Svensson
Sharon Ledbetter
Tita Bautista

See you next week

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Play Day Results for June 11th

Some nice scores out there today.

Today's winners on Seminole

1st Cricket Crenshaw +7
2nd Karen Cearley +6
3rd Janis Turner +4 *
Louise Cox +4 but Turner wins card play off

Birdies $3ea
Louise Cox
Janis Turner
Cricket Crenshaw
Hesper Hall

Chip-ins $5.50 ea
Louise Cox
Janis Turner

See you next week

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Play Day Results for June 4th

It is warming up out there.  Please make sure you bring beverages that will keep you properly hydrated. Plain water will not keep you going for long.  Bring a non diet power beverage or drink, something with sugar.

Today we had enough players to have a skins game in addition to our regular Chick Fight.

Chick Fight
1st - Jennifer Pierson +7
2nd - Karen Cearly +7*
3rd - Sandi Kirkpatrick +4 *

*Pierson wins card playoff
*Lynn also had +4 Kirkpatrick wins card playoff

Birdies $2.50 each

Karen Cearley - 2
Sarah Connors - 1
Jennifer Pierson - 2
Bev Martin - 2

Chip-Ins $3 each

Sarah Connors - 3
Bev Martin - 1
Karen Thrall - 1

Chick'n Skins
Net @ $3 each
J. Pierson - 3
S. Kirkpatrick -1
B. Nadreau - 1
S. Connors - 1
Becky Cochran - 1
Hesper Hall - 1

Gross @ $3 each
K. Cealey 2
B. Martin 2

Good scoring chicks.  See you next week.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Rainy Rainy Day

Jean Waddell had an EAGLE on #4, way to go Jean!!!!

Today's winners.

1st Louise Cox +2
2nd Jean Waddell +2
3rd Sheryl Massenberg Even

Birdies $3ea
Susan Clonts
Jean Waddell - Eagle

Chip-ins $2ea
Jane Buck
Jean Waddell
Karen Cearley
Joyce Davidson

Last week Mrs. Brenda Dumas was overlooked on the chip-in bucket, she had 1 chip in

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Covid Play Day May 21st

Even though we linger in limbo with Covid 19 we had another great weather day for golf.

Results for today

1st - Trish Nease +7
2nd - Jodi Shepard +4 *
3rd - Jean Waddell +4 *

*Jodi wins card playoff

Birdies @$2.50 ea 

Susan Clonts 2
Margaret Lauer

Bev Martin
Beth Shepard 2
Jodi Shepard 

Chip-Ins @$17 ea
Trish Nease

Next week we are still at tee times.  Sign-up starts tonight at 10pm.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Play Day Results for May 14th

What a lovely day for golf.  We had some really good scoring and a big chip in pot to split.

1st - Hesper Hall +11
2nd - Jane Buck +6 *

3rd - Carolyn Schuett +4

B.Cochran & M. Lynn also +6 but frozen at +2

BIRDIES @2 each
Tita Bautista
Jane Buck 
Karen Cearley
Becky Cochran
Sharon Ledbetter
Ruth Routsong
Beth Shepard
Karen Thrall

CHIP-INS @$5 each
Tita Bautista
Becky Cochran
Sandi Kirkpatrick
Beverly Martin
Ruth Routsong
Jane Buck

Next week we are on Old Course again.  Golf Genius signup goes out tonight at 10pm. Signup closes Wednesday at noon.

Updated point quota daily game sheet will be emailed Wednesday after signup closes.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Finally Another Play Day!

Well I hope everyone had a great day back on the course.  There was a lot of good scoring and I bet a lot of you got a lot of exercise.

Here are our winners for today.

1st - Karen Thrall +5 *
2nd - Sarah Connors +4
3rd - Bev Morris +3 **

* Cricket also had +5 but is frozen at +2
** Barbara Nadreau also had +3 Bev wins card playoff

No Chip Ins so there will be a carry over.

Birdies 6 @ $2.50 each

Tita Bautista
Susan Clonts
Beth Shepard
Jodi Shepard
Karen Thrall
Judy Warner

Stay safe out there

Monday, April 6, 2020

Lisa J

This is the Irish version of Lisa Jones.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Suspension of Play Day

Hello Ladies,
Well we just can't seem to catch a break with our new 2020 season.  Today some of the men's groups have suspended play until we see how the Covid-19 virus is going to affect our area.  Right now there are only 2 cases in Coweta County, but that number is sure to grow.  

Since many of our ladies are over 65 or have family members that are older, some have underlying health issues, the board has decided that we should suspend play days until further notice.  The Senior Men's association, Cannon Group, and Gillespie group are also suspending their play days.

Many of you can still get out there and hit the ball and and even use the assigned tee times on Thursday mornings, however, we ask that you do not gather as a group in the club house, as that is the reason for suspension.  

It is also recommended by me that you keep your distance.  Don't share carts and keep yourself at safe distances from others.  If you do take a cart, make sure you wipe down all the surfaces that you will be touching with a disinfectant.

The club house staff has taken as many precautions as possible to keep the club house sanitized and disinfected.  

Let's practice safe measures for self quarantine and not exacerbate the problem.  We don't want to have over run hospitals and over extended medical staff in Coweta county.

Stay safe, wash your hands and try not to touch your face.

Susan Gillespie

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Finally a Play Day

The rain for this particular day (6) held off for our ladies.  It ended actually quite warm.  We played our ChickFight game and some of us were rusty and some of us well oiled.

Don't forget our Shoot Out tournament is coming up April 8th and 9th.  Sign up now for a fun fun fun 2 day team tournament. Call Lisa @ 770-328-3442 to get on the list.  Cost is $15 with great payouts and prizes.

Winners today

1st - Trisha Nease +4 
2nd- Chris Beauchamp +1

3rd-  Arleen Carleo  Even*
* Cheryl Drewyer and
Marilyn Miller - Arleen win card playoff

Proximity A
Karen Cearley # 13

Proximity B
Trisha Nease # 2

Birdies @$1.50ea
Susan Clonts 3
Karen Cearley 
Ann Henderson
Trisha Nease
Jodi Shepard
Janis Turner

Chip Ins @ $6.25ea
Joan Land
Ann Henderson

See you next week for the Chickfight again.

Don't forget our Shoot Out tournament is coming up April 8th and 9th.  Sign up now for a fun fun fun 2 day team tournament. Call Lisa @ 770-328-3442 to get on the list.  Cost is $15 with great payouts and prizes.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Course Rotation for March

WOLGA course rotation for March 2020

March 5th - Old Course
March 12th - Seminole
March 19th - Old Course
March 26th - Old Course

Opening Day 2020

Well another rainy start to another season.  Our fun game was rained out for opening day, but we hope to reschedule it for April.

We had our first business meeting and breakfast with 38 in attendance. Welcome new members:

Cricket Crenshaw
Roxann Allen

Becky Cochran

The members present voted unanimously to amend the by-laws of WOLGA to add the position of Corresponding Secretary to the board.

Diane Tschantz was elected to fill the newly created board position and will serve one year.

The GHIN system will now be using the World Handicap System, and therefore the ESC method has changed.  When posting your scores outside the WOLGA play day group it is best to use the hole by hole entry system in order to calculate the ESC for your scores.  If you have questions you may ask the pro-shop or Lisa Jones for assistance.

See you next week.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Finally Photos from Road Trip

Last October Susan Gillespie, Karen Cearley, and Janis Turner went to the Delta Womens Golf Tournament at Hammock Beach Florida.  Today they finally got the pictures uploaded for us to view.

Karen was the overall Champion of the Employee division and Janis Turner was the overall Champion for the guest division.  Susan tied for winner of her flight.  Susan's sister June also won longest drive.