Thursday, May 31, 2018

Play Day Results for May 31st

Well, on this 'real' Memorial Day we had 18 ladies play the Seminole Course. Originally Memorial Day was celebrated on May 31st, but now as most holidays it has become a 'Monday' holiday and therefore not on it's original day.

We played our Chicken Fight today instead of Guest Day event.  The weather looked as if it was going to be a wash-out when in fact it did not rain a drop after midnight last night.  Guest Day will be rescheduled for a day in July.

Today's winners:

1st Place = Arleen Carleo +2
2nd Place = Susan Clonts Even *
3rd Place = Beth Shepard Even *
*Susan won in a card playoff

Beth Shepard 2

Bev Martin
Jean Waddell

A Flight #13 = Susan Clonts
B Flight #2 = Diane Tschantz

Our treasurer will be traveling for a week so payouts and winning may be collect the following week on June 14th.