Saturday, October 28, 2017

Last Play Day Halloween Party

WOLGA wrapped up the golf year on a beautiful fall day.  There were 30 ladies out to enjoy themselves.  The game was a Black Cat Flight.

The winners:
Ist:  Lisa Jones with +2
2nd: Margaret Lauer with +2 (by regression)
3rd: Bev Martin +1, Jennifer Pierson lost by regression

Beth Shepard
Salme svensson
Margaret Lauer
Lisa Jones - 2
Ann Henderson
Karen Cearley

Susan Gillespie

Congrats girls!!

Some great costumes were on display before and after the game.
Jade Kim as Harry Potter

The Singing Reindeer
Trisha, Ruth, Arleen and Charlotte

"no crying in baseball"
Cheryl, Beth, and Susan

Janis, Andrew, and Susan
Blackmail Photo

You have a lovely bunch of coconuts
Janis, Susan, Margaret and Lisa

Quite on the tee please
Hesper, Sarah and Vicki