June 29th - Low Gross Low Net
We had 34 players on Thursday and 4 winners. Winners were:
First Low Gross - Susan Clonts
Second Low Gross - Ellen Connors
First Low Net - Carol Wells
Second Low Gross - Joan Land
Great job ladies, congratulations!!
We had 34 players on Thursday and 4 winners. Winners were:
Second Low Gross - Ellen Connors
First Low Net - Carol Wells
Second Low Gross - Joan Land
Sharon Ledbetter
Janis Turner
Bunny Guy
Ellen Connors
Charlotte Myczkowski
Carol McMeekin
Jennifer Pierson
Cheryl Drewyer
Joan Land
Chip ins
Karen Cearley
Lanelle Heminger
Ellen Connors
Margaret Choi
Cheryl Drewyer
Diane Tschantz