Thursday, June 23, 2016

June 23- Low Gross Low Net

Twenty eight ladies played Old Course today.  Greens were a little sandy and it was kind of warm but the breeze kept us comfortable. The format was Low Gross/Low Net and here are the results:
Low Gross
1st Place-Beth Shepard with a 79
2nd Place- Susan Clonts with an 82 (Ellen Connors also had 82, but Susan placed in regression

Low Net
1st Place-Bev Morris with a 68
2nd Place- Tita Bautista with a 68 (Bev won in regression)

Beth Shepard-3
Ellen Connors-3
Susan Clonts-2
Janis Turner

Chip Ins
Diane Tschantz

50/50 was won by Tita Bautista.

June 30 will be a Cat Fight!  Thanks to everyone for being checked in on time today! It really helps!

Here are all the White Oak Ladies who participated in the most recent West Ga. Golf League tournament at Newnan Country Club.

1st Flight 
1st Low Net- Susan Clonts

3rd Flight 
1st Low Gross- Hesper Hall
1st Low Net- Bunny Guy

5th Flight
1st Low Net- Christine Beauchamp

6th Flight
1st Low Net- Carolyn Schuett

7th Flight
1st Low Gross- Irene Drage
1st Low Net- Linda Brown
Low Putts- Ardy Durden