We had 39 ladies playing on the Seminole Course today. The game was Low Gross/Low Net and Diane Tschantz was on fire shooting a 95/59!
50/50 winners were Marta Pandy and Barb Nadreau and the free lesson with Sean was won by Arleen Carleo.
Results are
Low Gross: Beth Shepard 85
Janis Turner 85 2nd by regression
Low Net: Diane Tschantz 59
Tita Bautista 64
Chip Ins:
Mickey Nalewako
Patti Wall
Ardy Durden
Joan Land
Lisa Jones
Brenda Dumas
Lanelle Heminger
Patti Wall
Diane Tschantz
Janis Turner- 2
Some silly girl wore a funny pair of socks... Peanut Butter and Jelly!
Too Cute... She has another pair just like them at home!
Next week we will be back on Seminole for a Cat Fight.
It's the beginning of spring tournaments and three of our ladies just participated in the Georgia Women's Golf Association 4 Ball competition in Jekyll Island. Here are some of the participants from all over the state of Georgia including Susan Clonts and Beth Shepard. For more information regarding this organization just google GWGA.