Minutes from WOLGA Opening Day Meeting
March 3, 2016
The Opening Day Meeting and Breakfast of the White Oak Ladies Golf Association were held on Thursday, March 3, 2016. President Janis Turner called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. Arleen Carleo led us in prayer as we start our new golf season. Janis introduced Pro Sean Renaud and explained he would be setting up the teams for our Par 3 scramble today.
President Janis read the new Mission Statement as developed by the Board at their recent meeting: “The mission of the White Oak Ladies Golf Association is to promote ladies’ golf through weekly organized play enjoying fellowship and development of friendships.”
We have a total of 72 members as of today. New members in attendance were: Sharon Ledbetter, Marva Simpson, Mickey Nalewako, Theresa Casey, and Carolyn Schuett. Marta Pandy has also joined but is in Panama due to the death of her sister. Welcome to all our new members.
President Janis introduced the Officers and Committee Chairs/Helpers:
Vice President /Tournaments Joan Land
Treasurer Sandra Lancaster
Secretary Ruth Routsong
Play Day Chair Arlene Carleo
Play Day Assistants Trisha Nease and Diane Tschantz
Sunshine Charlotte Myczkowski
Publicity/Blog Beth Shepard
Communications Lanelle Heminger
West Georgia Rep Ardy Durden
Past President Margaret Lauer
In addition, President Janis recognized Linda Brown for her work inputting all scores to GHIN, Susan Gillespie for end of the year awards, and Lisa Jones for preparing the Membership Directory.
It was moved and seconded to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. Beth Shepard asked Ruth to provide her a copy of the minutes, and she will post them to the Blog so all members will have access to them.
When asked for a report on the 2016 WOLGA Budget, Treasurer Sandra replied, “It’s good!” A copy will be posted on the Blog for all members to read. President Janis explained a major change was increasing the weekly winnings from $7-$5-$3 for first, second and third place to $10-$7-$5 starting in 2016. WOLGA receives a $500 donation from McKoon Funeral Home and $250 from Weldon Financial.
A copy of the Membership Directory was provided for members to check their personal information for accuracy. To save on printing expenses, the Directory will be sent out as an email to all members and posted on the Blog.
Beth Shepard encouraged all members to load the Blog address “http:wolganewnanblogspot.com” onto their smartphones or computers at home for quick reference as a favorite for any information pertaining to the club.
President Janis showed the new “I Love Birdies” towel to be given to members as they get their first birdie in 2016. Remaining chip-in towels from 2015 will be given to members getting a chip-in until they are all used (for members who did not receive one in 2015). Janis also said new award ball markers were ordered for members breaking 100, 90, 80, eagle or hole in one. These will be used when the remaining pins have been used. Members were reminded to get into the Hole In One club for just $2. Treasurer Sandra has a list of all members currently on the list if you want to check whether you have paid or not.
Ardy Durden said the WGA-Newnan date has changed from June 21 to June 14. Linda Catwell is the new WGA representative. Maple Ridge is having a tournament on March 29th. Details will be posted on the bulletin board.
Ellen Connors explained she is on the Board of Governors for White Oak/Club Corp and will forward any issues any WOLGA members bring to her attention.
Peggy Casey’s husband Jake passed away on Tuesday this week. Sharon Ledbetter collected monies to provide a ham/gift cards to the family the day of the funeral.
Jan Alligood’s husband passed this week. Details are in the Newnan newspaper today.
Beverly Lowell’s mother is in hospital. Her father passed away last fall.
Lisa Jones was called to LA today as her father is ill.
Christine Beauchamp gave us some “good news” as today was her birthday. We all joined in to sing Happy Birthday to her.
A thank you note was read from Margie Parrot following the death of her grandson in December. She and her husband Clarence have moved to St. Simon.
Joan Land stated the Ringer Tournament will be April 7th. There is no requirement for having a certain number of play days prior to this tournament. We play 9 holes and then go back and play the same 9 holes. You use your best score from the two rounds for each hole.
President Janis encouraged everyone to go into the Blog to the Rules and Regulations section to become more familiar with our club. She reminded everyone that our club is based upon USGA rules. As such, we are changing the way “Most Improved Golfer” of the year is calculated. It will now be the percentage of improvement a person has made based on the USGA formula.
Two 50-50 winners were Dottie Steward and Linda Brown.
Members were reminded to be signed in by 9:15 am next Thursday, March 10 for a 10 am tee off.
Teams were announced for the Par 3 scramble.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Routsong, Secretary