Wednesday, October 14, 2015

2015 Georgia Senior Women's Golf Association Team Championship

Enjoy these pictures from Seniors:  

If you have more pics to share, send them to
Here are the results of the GSWGA fall team championship:
We are only posting those teams from our Wolga Group.

1st Flight-
1st place-Cheryl Drewyer/Jodie Shepard-123
2nd place-Ellen Connors/Ginette Spinucci-125

3rd Flight-
1st place-Janis Turner/Lisa Jones- 125

5th Flight-
Margaret Lauer/Susan Gillespie-121

Flight 9-
2nd place-Louise Cox/Joan Land-130

Flight 11-
1st place-Patti Wall/Christine Beauchamp-117
4th place-Ardy Durden/Pat Lawson-131

Flight 13-
3rd place-Irene Drage/Mary Carlson-129

Way to go ladies!  Wolga was very well represented!!!