The big question is.... Who will be the first to win a brand new style, Chip In towel? They are just adorable! As with last year, we will try to get a picture of the towel winners as soon as possible to post on the blog. (If Beth Shepard is not present to take the picture, please get someone to take one with a cell phone and email it to her.)
The format for Thursday is Best 9, front or back. Don't forget your quarters for the birdie and chip in containers and 50 cents for your one mulligan. We also sell 50/50 tickets every play day...$1.00 per ticket or $2.00 for 3 tickets. (Also, $2.00 hole in one club.)
For play days to run as smoothly as possible please keep in mind:
- You do not have to sign in with the pro shop as play day chair has a sign in sheet. Exception is if you pay fees with cash.
- Check in with play day chair people as soon as you arrive-you can warm up, get your golf cart, go to restroom, and get water after checking in
- Know your current GHIN index... Remember if you do not have a current USGA index you will not be eligible to get points or win any of the formats until this has been established. (Pro Shop can help you get this started)
- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help the play day committee by being as quiet as possible while announcements are being made. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your cooperation!
- After play is over, sign in sheets will be in dining room for you to turn in your ATTESTED AND SIGNED score card. You will also need to fill out your score, chip ins, birdies, etc. before you leave.
- Results will be posted via email and blog asap.