Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Final West Georgia Turkey Tournament at Maple Ridge

The West Georgia Golf League came to a close on Tuesday with several ladies from our group participating including the two turkeys pictured above.
Here are the results:
1st flight- Margaret Choi- 4th place
2nd flight-Mary Carlson-3rd place
3rd flight-Pat Gray-2nd place, Patti Wall-4th place
4th flight-Diane Tschantz-1st flight, Irene Drage-3rd place, and Ardy Durden-4th place

Ardy Durden should be commended as she does a fabulous job as our West Georgia League representative.

The date has been set for our final meeting/awards brunch of the year.  Mark Thursday, December 11, on your calendar and get your holiday outfits picked out.  This is always a festive occasion to celebrate a fantastic season and visit with our golf buddies one more time in 2014.

One last thing, even though the season is over the blog is not.  If you have any newsworthy information or pictures you would like to share with the group please send them to Beth Shepard.  She will be happy to post them.  Send them to