Congrats to Janis Turner in her recent cake decorating certification to teach the artistic skill. We are always willing and thrilled to test taste her homework. Those of you were not here today, you missed a treat. (Yes, Cheryl Drewyer, I ate my piece and yours!) Tee hee
Considering it was a West GA and playday it was remarkably calm and organized today. There were not many men playing today. I guess the idea of so many women in one place scared them away. The White Oak ladies fared quite well today in the West GA Cat Fight. Those from our club who placed are
Jennifer Pierson- +11
Irene Drage- +5
Pat Gray- +4
Jane Buck- +4
Patti Wall- +3
Margaret Choi- +3
Susan Clonts- +2
Marsha Mauldin-+2
Karen Borg- +2
Mary Carlson- +2
Here are the results from Odd/Even today.
50/50 went to Judy Bice
Free Lesson went to Tita Bautista
Ellen Connors - 2
Beth Shepard - 2
Joan Land
Margaret Lauer
Chip ins
THERE WERE NO CHIP INS THIS WEEK. $$ will carry over to next week
1st Place- Shirley Hasty 31
2nd Place- Margaret Lauer 31.5
3rd Place- Beth Shepard 33
Ladies, next week the format is supposed to be Beat the Pro as a reschedule. Sean informed me that some of the staff will be on vacation and he will be short staffed. Format will go back to what is in handbook,
Best 9 front or back. It is also Guest Day next week.
You will have two more playdays to turn in a teddy bear which will be donated to Red Cross to give to children of catastrophic events such as fire. Request is for it to be less than 15 inches, new with or without tag, and not the beanie bag type. This is completely optional. See previous blog posts for more information regarding this.