Thursday, December 5, 2013

2013 End of the Year Celebration

Enjoy the pictures of today's celebration.  Awards are listed after pictures...

Golfer of the Year- Ellen Connors
Most Improved Golfer- Diane Tschantz
1st Flight Awards
Old Course Ringers
Margaret Lauer, Susan Clonts
Seminole Ringers
Beth Shepard, Joan Land, Lanelle Heminger, Janis Turner
Margaret Lauer, Ellen Connors
Cheryl Drewyer, Ellen Connors, Margaret Lauer, Susan Clonts
Chip Ins
Lisa Jones, Janis Turner, Margaret Lauer, Cheryl Drewyer

2nd Flight Awards
Old Course Ringers
Mary Carlson, Bunny Guy
Seminole Ringers
Carol McMeekin, Trisha Nease, Bunny Guy
Trisha Nease, Bunny Guy
Chip Ins
Barbara Nadreau
Mary Carlson

3rd Flight
Old Course Ringers
Shirley Payne, Marilyn Miller
Seminole Ringers
Judy Furlong, Shirley Payne
Sandra Lancaster, Carol Taylor
Chip Ins
Louise Cox

4th Flight
Old Course Ringers
Shirley Hasty
Seminole Ringers
Arleen Carleo, Shirley Hasty
Linda Brown
Chip Ins
Ardy Durden

Special Awards  for 2013
Hole In One- Salme Svensson
Perfect Attendance- Shirley Hasty

Wolga Champion
Susan Clonts

Handicap Champion
Diane Tschantz

Ringer Champion
Ellen Connors
Plaque in Memory of Smitty was presented to his wife, Evelyn, and will be hung in the ladies locker room.