Boo-Hoo, it's our last week of the Wolga season so let's have a big crowd! We will be on Old Course and the format will be "Black Catfight" to go along with Halloween. I heard there will be some people in costume. If you and others are dressed in a theme you will be able to play together.
Points will be:
Eerie Eagle 5
Batty Birdie 4
Perilous Par 3
Bloody Bogey 2
Devilish Double Bogey 1
Points needed calculation:
Subtract your handicap from 54
Example: If your course handicap is 14, 54-14= 40
Points needed to be pulled 40
There might be some treats after play so stick around.
Also, many of you have brought bags of candy for the November 1st Fall Festival and the White Oak staff thank you. It's still not too late to bring in your bag.
Finally, don't forget November 13 is the 'Pink Truck Tournament'. We have a worthy 'Cause' to give the donations to. The format will be 4 person team Best Ball. Your cash $40 entry fee will cover green fees, cart, and donation to the 'cause'. We will have prizes, some give-aways, and door prizes.
If you have a team already please send Susan Gillespie the names as soon as possible.
If you want to play and do not have a team, Mary and Susan will pair you with a group.
The purpose of this tournament is to raise money for 'the Cause' and to have lots of fun.
There will be high spirited refreshments on many of the holes, along with side bets and games to play to raise more money.