First of all, thanks Lisa for having the Wolga ladies over for a swim after playday. (Hope someone was able to take some pictures for our yearbook of the bathing beauties or is it golfing beauties?)
Here are the results of today. Remember the format was low gross for 19 and under course handicaps and low net for 20 and above.
(Still a few errors but scorecards were SOOOOO much neater.)
Birdies Chip Ins
Susan Clonts Bev Morris
Margaret Lauer Hesper Hall
Cheryl Drewyer Carol Taylor
Lisa Jones Sarah Connors
Louise Cox
Lisa Jones
Mary Carlson (2)
We had a tie for 1st in Low Gross. Tie was broken at #1 Handicap hole #9.
Low Gross(19 and under) Low Net(over 20)
1st place- Susan Clonts with 80 Louise Cox with 67
2nd place-Cheryl Drewyer with 80 Mary Carlson with 74
Next week the format is "Odd or Even 9"
We are playing Seminole. See you on the 1st of August!!!