Thursday, May 16, 2013

Best Front or Back Nine- May 16, 2013

Some days we feel like we are as slow as this turtle that Arleen Carleo took a picture of on #16. 

Here are the results of today's play:

Ellen Connors- 3
Susan Clonts- 2
Beth Shepard-2
Lisa Jones
Bunny Guy
Joan Land
Barbara Nadreau
Margaret Lauer
Diane Tschantz

Barbara Nadreau
Bunny Guy
Ellen Connors
Diane Tschantz

1st Place- Karen Borg
2nd Place-Beth Shepard
3rd Place- Barb Nadreau
Beth and Barb tied with game score but Beth won in regression. 

Next week is Guest Day... We will play Best Ball with 2 woman teams...