Thursday, August 5, 2010

Results for August 5th

Before I give you today's golf results, I would like to announce that we all were "winners". Josephene had us over to her house for lunch after we finished playing.  It was "outstanding".  She made Korean barbeque with noodles, fried rice, salad and fruit.  It was so delicious.  Believe me, it was definitely worth playing in this awful heat just to enjoy the meal she prepared.  Thank you so much Josephene---that was so nice of you.
Today's game was O-N-E-S and the winners are:
1st Place        (34)    Janis Turner
2nd Place       (34)    Ardy Durden
   Janis won 1st on card playoff
3rd Place        (35)    Madeline Rezba
We will not have our regular play day next thursday.  Our WOLGA Championship Tournament is Wednesday & Thursday(Aug. 11th-12th).
Stay cool-----