Play Day Results 8/31
1st: Lisa Jones and Salme 144
Play Day Results 8/31
1st: Lisa Jones and Salme 144
We are so sorry to hear about the passing of Barbara North. Barbara was a long time WOLGA member. If any of you have pictures or favorite memories of Barbara that you would like to share, please send them to Mary Louise.
I would probably not know any of you all if not for Barbara. She insisted I come with her to WOLGA and I was so scared I’d never played golf with women before but she brought me right in and well that’s how I know y’all......Lisa Jones
Here is another opportunity to play and support a great cause!
Green Island’s third annual breast cancer awareness golf classic. It’s always a fantastic event and we would love to have you back on our course. This year’s honoree is one of our own-Trace Copeland. Trace is a member of the West Georgia League and was recently diagnosed with breast cancer this spring. She has graciously agreed to shine a spot light on breast cancer awareness. Please join us on Wednesday October 18th. Registration for this 2 person scramble ends September 30 and you can email to register. Leslie
Play Day Results 8/3
1st: Hana +4