What a lovely day for golf. We had some really good scoring and a big chip in pot to split.
1st - Hesper Hall +11
2nd - Jane Buck +6 *
3rd - Carolyn Schuett +4
B.Cochran & M. Lynn also +6 but frozen at +2
BIRDIES @2 each
Tita Bautista
Jane Buck
Karen Cearley
Becky Cochran
Sharon Ledbetter
Ruth Routsong
Beth Shepard
Karen Thrall
CHIP-INS @$5 each
Tita Bautista
Becky Cochran
Sandi Kirkpatrick
Beverly Martin
Ruth Routsong
Jane Buck
Next week we are on Old Course again. Golf Genius signup goes out tonight at 10pm. Signup closes Wednesday at noon.
Updated point quota daily game sheet will be emailed Wednesday after signup closes.