New Season Begins!
Thursday March 8th 10am
by 9:30am
Our first 'REAL' play day is upon us. This Thursday we will be playing our Chick-Fight Points Game. Please be signed-in no later than 9:30. Our play day committee will be working with our new forms and games for the first time so I ask that you be patient and attentive to all of their instructions. Please refer to the General Rules and Guidelines available here:
Rules and Guidelines
There will be a copy of the directory on the sign-in table, please review your information and make changes for Carol our Secretary.
We will have sample score cards on the table for you to review so that you will know how to complete the attached label with your game information.
If you plan to play from a different tee this season, please notify the play day committee when you check-in. Ladies 70+ in age may play from the green tees if desired. If you have not previously played from the green tees and have no posted scores from the green tees, please contact Susan Gillespie to have your starting points quota calculated.
We will have our normal Birdies, Chip-ins, and Mulligan pots. This year we will be buying mulligans for $1. We will also have 50/50 split the pot tickets for sale.