Sunday, April 30, 2017

May Birthdays

May Birthdays

Jane Buck 2nd
Ellen Connors 7th
Diane Tschantz 10th
Evelyn Smith 10th
Brenda Dumas 12th
Cheri Hendrickson 12th
Mary Carlson 20th

May Course Rotation Schedule

May Course Rotation Schedule
May 4th - Old Course
May 11th - Old Course
May 18th - Seminole
May 25th - Seminole

Remember our checking time deadline is 9 am with a 9:30 am shotgun start.
If you are running late, please call a friend and have them sign you in at the play day table.  Do not call the pro-shop.

The pro-shop has sent a reminder to please do not forget to sign-in with the pro-shop or complete the member sign in sheet at the play day table. 

Our next tournament will be the handicap tournament in June.  More info to follow from our Tournament Chair, Susan Clonts.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Ringer Tournament 2017 Results

We had 44 ladies signup for the tournament.  It was a good day.  Lot'o fun had by all. All the photos are on the photo's tab

Beth Shepard is overall Ringer Champ with 35 in Card Play Off

Flight 1
Susan Clonts 35.5
Cheryl Drewyer 37
Joan Land 38.5

Flight 2
Janis Turner 36
Brenda Dumas 36.5
Lanelle Heminger 40

Flight 3
Hesper Hall 40.5
Holly Austin 41.5
Lynda Young 42

Flight 4
Bev Martin 43.5
Madeline Rezba 44
Judy Mead 44.5

Flight 5
Carolyn Shuett 44
Tita Bautista 44
Kathy Fisher 45

Flight 6
Diane Tschantz 45
Jane Buck 47
Mickey Nalewako 49.5

Good Job Ladies!!!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

April Birthdays

Sorry it appears there were a couple of post that did not get uploaded, this is the 2nd one.

April Birthdays

Margaret Lauer
Joan Land
Charlotte Myczkowski

Play Day Results for April 13th

April 13th - Cat Fight

We had 37 players on Thursday and 3 winners. Winners were: 

1st  = Janis Turner
2nd = Jane Buck
3rd =  Ann Henderson

Great job ladies, congratulations!!


Ann Henderson
Beth Shepard (2)
Joan Land
Ellen Connors
Cheryl Drewyer

Chip ins

Susan Gillespie
Madeline Rezba
Tita Bautista
Jane Buck

If you did not collect your money today it will be on the table on the April 27th play day.

Next week is the Ringer Tournament

Play Day Results April 4th

April 4th - Low Gross/Net

Four brave (crazy) gals played in the cold driving wind on a wet course.
They decided to pay two places.
Low Gross - Susan Clonts
Low Net - Janis Turner


Susan Clonts (2)
Chip ins

Susan Clonts

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Play Day Results March 30th

March 30th - Odds or Evens

We had 44players on Thursday and 3 winners. Winners were: 

1st  = Beth Shepard
2nd = Ellen Connors
3rd =  Judy Warner

Great job ladies, congratulations!!


Margaret Lauer
Jade Kim
Ellen Connors
Susan Clonts
Karen Cearley
Beeth Shepard
Mary Carlson

Chip ins

Theresa Casey
Susan Clonts
Mary Carlson

Your money will be on the check in table in a envelope with your name on it on Thursday‘s for Birdie’s and Chip In.