Wolga Playday Fun Facts
We are halfway through our season and here are some interesting statistics.
- Since we began in March of 2013, we have had 402 ladies participate on our Thursday playdays.
- This averages out to 21.8 ladies per week.
- We have had 2 Guest Days with a total of 8 guests. (one of which joined our group)
- The fewest that have played in a week is 6 while the most we've had in a week is 39 golfers.
- Since we began our season 15 weeks ago, we have had one rainout.
- We have had one "Hole In One".
- There have been 63 birdies made.
- There have been 34 chip ins.
- Including "Beat the Pro" and partner formats we have had 21 different 1st Place winners.
- We have one member who has perfect attendance. Congrats Shirley Hasty
It's been a great 4 months... looking forward to the next 4.
Need a chuckle? "The reason the pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can't see him laughing..." Phyllis Diller