Friday, August 24, 2012

Playday results

Well - it was fun to be back on our Old Course yesterday. It was more fun for some than for others. Scores seemed to be really good or really bad!

Congrats to the winners of the Pro Picks 9 holes:

1st - Carol McMeeking - 35
2nd - Cheryl Drewyer - 38
3rd - Ellen Connors - 38

There were several tied for 4th place with 38.5. Good playing in our rough rough and new greens.

Speaking of greens - Low putts went to Marilyn Miller with 28! There were several with 29 putts. Glad some of you like the new greens! For the rest of us - we'll get used to them!

Next week back at Summergrove! See ya then! mm

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Playday results and August schedule

We played Summergrove Thursday and counted the holes beginning with T's & F's.

Winners are:

1st - Jennifer Pierson - 31
2nd - Marilyn Miller - 32.5
3rd - Sarah Connors - 32.5

August schedule:

8/9 - Seminole - Beat the Pro - Angela will be playing with us!
8/16 - Summergrove
8/23 - OLD COURSE!!!! YEAH!
8/30 - Summergrove

Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408