Monday, October 29, 2012
Playday Results
I found it interesting that in our Throw out Three Holes game the winners played really well on all their holes! Winners from Thursday:
1st - Pat Lawson
2nd - Kathy Fisher
3rd - Pat Vangelder
It has been my pleasure serving as your playday chairperson for the past two years but I must admit I am looking forward to passing the torch! I will be happy to assist going forward in anyway that I can. Don't be afraid - it's really not as bad as you think it might be! We are very lucky to have an organization that for the most part gets along well with each other and believe it or not whines very little. Thank you all for making my job as easy as it could be. Thanks Pat for helping me out and for all of you who pinch hit for us when we needed you. What an awesome group!
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Monday, October 22, 2012
Playday Results
1st - Carol McMeekin - 69
2nd - Shirley Hasty - 69
3rd - Marilyn Miller - 72
Just one more week in our season so I look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday. We are playing on Seminole. Check in by 8:30.
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Pink Truck Tourney - This Friday - Summergrove
You will play from the best drive in your group. From there count your strokes for points.
1- double bogey
2- bogey
3- par
4- birdie
5- eagle
After play the field will be divided into 4ths. The highest points will be paired with the lowest points. For the middle team positions there will be a blind draw. So....EVERYONE has a chance to win and no one know who will win until it's over! If you have more than double bogey just pick it up. No need to play it out.
Here's the list as I have it so far. Please let me know if you are not on it and want to play!! Going to be a fun day!
Louise Cox
Joan Land
Sandra Lancaster
Peggy Guebert
Ellen Connors
Arleen Carleo
Gaye Evans
Karen Glenn
Margaret Lauer
Diane Hutchet
Cindy Taylor
Lisa Jones
Jennifer Patterson
Becky Cochran
Marilyn Miller
Karen Borg
Bev Lowell
Bunny Guy
Bev Martin
Carol McMeekin
Judy Furlong
JeRie Wilson
Karla Payne
Francis Lee
Kitsie Cain
Cathy Fincher
BJ Morris
Shirley Hasty
Lanelle Heminger
Chris Vassailon
Mary Mo
Laurie Madden
Holly Seewald
Cheryl Drewyer
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Results, Sister Cup, Pink Truck
October is busy, busy! Welcome back from seniors all of our White Oak participants and congrats to the winners!
Thursday Results:
1st - Jennifer Pierson
2nd - Louise Cox
3rd - Diane Tschantz
Next Thursday is the Sister cup at White Oak on the Old Course. Sign up with Louise!!
Next Friday is the FUN Pink Truck tournament at Summergrove. This tournament is for fun and any profits will benefit the Pink Posse. Entry fee is $20. Hope you will like the format - it's different and gives everyone a chance! We will play select drive then count points in from there. The teams will be set after play. Please let me know ASAP if you want to play and bring your friends - even if they don't have handicaps! I will be getting with Mike on Monday to set it up.
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Monday, September 24, 2012
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
This week and next month
Schedule for October
10/4 - Seminole
10/11 - Summergrove
10/18 - OLD Course
10/25 - Seminole
ALSO - October 12th is the Pink Truck Tourney at Summergrove. I will be soliciting sign ups Thursday so if you aren't playing Thursday let me know by email. Entry fee will be $20 or hole sponsorship. If you have special requests for your playing partners you can let me know and I will try to accommodate but actual teams will be drawn after play. Hopefully we will be able to play in 3-somes mostly. We are doing a point format then semi-blind draw. I'll explain more about that later.
See ya Thursday at the Grove! Check in by 8:30.
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Book by National Geographic
Friday, September 14, 2012
Play day results
1st - Margaret Choi, Brenda Dumas and Beverly Lowell - 59
2nd - Louise Cox, Margaret Lauer and Salme Svensson - 59
3rd - Judy Furlong, Cheryl Drewyer, Beth Shepard and Nancy Burke - 60
Our Championship tournament is next week - Wednesday and Thursday. Contact Margaret Lauer if you have not signed up already. Anyone not playing in the tourney who wants to play on Thursday can play but it will not be a regular playday. Please let Margaret know if you do want to play on Thursday so she can schedule the teams accordingly.
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Friday, September 7, 2012
Play day results
1st - Janis Turner - 27
2nd - Bev Morris - 27
3rd - Margaret Lauer - 27.5
also 27.5 Pat Lawson, Ardy and Jane Buck but Margaret parred the #1 HCP hole for 3rd
We are on the Old Course again next week. Practice your putting! Start time continues to be 9:00 for the rest of the season so check in BEFORE 8:30.
WOLGA Champ tourney is Sept 19th and 20th. Let Margaret know if you want to play!!
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Playday Results
1st - Lyn Cunningham - 68
2nd - Janis Turner - 71
3rd - Holly Seewald - 71
Way to go winners!
Scores have just been posted and about half have today's date instead of Thursdays. Sorry about that!
SEPTEMBER schedule:
9/6 - OLD Course
9/13 - OLD Course
9/20 - Seminole
9/27 - Summergrove
AND the WHITE OAK Club Championship is next weekend - 9/8 and 9/9. Sign up in the Pro Shop for that. Hope we have a big WOLGA turnout.
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Friday, August 24, 2012
Playday results
Congrats to the winners of the Pro Picks 9 holes:
1st - Carol McMeeking - 35
2nd - Cheryl Drewyer - 38
3rd - Ellen Connors - 38
There were several tied for 4th place with 38.5. Good playing in our rough rough and new greens.
Speaking of greens - Low putts went to Marilyn Miller with 28! There were several with 29 putts. Glad some of you like the new greens! For the rest of us - we'll get used to them!
Next week back at Summergrove! See ya then! mm
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Playday results and August schedule
Winners are:
1st - Jennifer Pierson - 31
2nd - Marilyn Miller - 32.5
3rd - Sarah Connors - 32.5
August schedule:
8/9 - Seminole - Beat the Pro - Angela will be playing with us!
8/16 - Summergrove
8/23 - OLD COURSE!!!! YEAH!
8/30 - Summergrove
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Play day results
We played Odd/Even on Thursday and here are the winners:
1st - Bev Morris - 29.5
2nd - Brenda Dumas - 30.5
3rd - Lisa Jones - 31
Honorable mention - Margaret Lauer - also with 31
AND Brenda broke 80 (we think maybe for first time in WOLGA) with a 79 and
Trisha Nease broke 90 with an 87! Good playing ladies!
Welcome to our newest member - Judy Young. Glad to have you join us!
NEXT WEEK SUMMERGROVE - We will wait for Beat the Pro until we are back at White Oak. I am confirming our August schedule with Angela and will get that out to you soon. Stay cool! mm
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Guest Day Results
1st - Bonnie H, Carol Head and Carol Mc with 57
2nd - Barbara Nadreau, Diane Tschantz and Beth Shepard with 58
3rd - Ardy, Brenda D and Holly - 62 (won by regression)
Honorable mention - Janis T, Lyn and their guest also with 62
Thanks to Bev Martin for the tomatoes! Sorry to you and Margie that you didn't know our start time. We've had an 8:30 deadline for sign in since Memorial day. Hope you two went and played somewhere!! That really bothered me having to turn you away.
Scores are not yet posted but will be soon.
Next week back on Seminole. Beat the Pro will be Aug 2nd.
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Friday, July 6, 2012
Play day Results
1st - Barbara Nadreau - 67
2nd - Trisha Nease - 67
3rd - Ardy Durden - 69
and honorable mention to Carol Wells (good to see you on a Thursday) who also had 69.
NEXT WEEK - Interclub - NOT A REGULAR PLAY DAY. Contact Jane Buck if you want to play.
Stay cool and pray for rain! mm
Thursday, June 28, 2012
July schedule
July Schedule
July 5th - Seminole
July 12th - Interclub on Seminole (you must contact Jane Buck if you plan to play that day! Her email address is
July 19th - Summergrove (GUEST DAY)
July 26th - Seminole
Everyone have a great weekend (I'll be at the beach - did I say that already?) and see ya next week! mm
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Playday results and next week
1st - Lanelle with 83 for net 62!!!
2nd - Arlene with 97 for net 64 (Now your break 100 is definitely legal!)
3rd - Marilyn Miller with 95 net 65
There were other good scores too but wow! Great day all!
NEXT WEEK IS THE RINGER TOURNEY - not a regular playday. If you plan on playing contact Margaret Lauer asap. See ya then! mm
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Play day results and THANKS
1st - Carol Mc, Shirley Hasty and Sandi K (51)
2nd - Lyn Cunningham, Jennifer Pierson, Marilyn Miller and Dee Carlson (53)
3rd - Lanelle, Carol Head, and Rose (56)
Scores are not yet posted but I will get them in soon.
THANKS so much for your contributions for Bobbie McBrayer. Yesterday I ordered a really nice arrangement for the table at the reception following her service and I am happy to say WOLGA covered that. Anything we collect over and above what Barbara and I have spent will be donated to the American Cancer Society in her memory. Bobbie was such a huge supporter of the ACS tourney for so many years and battled cancer for so long herself.
Oh and another reminder - Summergroove at Summergrove is tomorrow evening.... If you've never been you should give it a try. It's really nice...
See ya next week. We are on Seminole all of this month....
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Monday, June 11, 2012
Barbara Anne "Bobbie" McBrayer
at Resurrection Lutheran Church, Newnan, GA at 10 am. Bobbie and her husband Bill were fixtures at
White Oak for a number of years- back in the day. If you ever had the opportunity to play golf with this sweet lady - you are blessed. Her nickname was the "Golf Rat" and for those of us who knew her we will never forget that.
On Thursday I will be accepting donations for flowers for her memorial service. I know many of you are new and didn't know her so please don't feel pressured to contribute. I am just making the opportunity available. Barbara, Margaret, anyone please forward to others (Dale, Paula, Alice, etc) who may want to contribute.
Thanks, mm
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Playday Results
Results from June 7th
1st- Pat van Gelder with a 33!!!
2nd - Jane Buck - 33.5
3rd - Margaret Lauer - 34
Way to go Pat and hey good to see you back amongst us Borgie! And hugs to you Linda - we're with ya!
See ya next week - check in early!
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Friday, June 1, 2012
Playday results and June schedule
I sure hope you guys had as much fun yesterday as I did. No flags and two holes! What a hoot. Thanks Todd for giving us a little extra fun! No flags was my request - two holes was Todd's idea! As I stated before play these scores will not be posted (don't think USGA approves of two holes) and the ringer scores will not be updated either. But Arleen Carleo WILL get credit for breaking 100 for the first time! YAY! Yesterday was about fun and I hope you enjoyed it! I gotta say - scores for the most part were pretty good! My net 68 wasn't even in the running!
1st Gross - Ellen Connors - 77
1st Net - Trisha Nease - 63
2nd Net - Arleen Carleo - 63
3rd Net - Lyn Cunningham - 64
JUNE schedule and start time! WE WILL SHOTGUN AT 9:00am going forward!!! Check in at 8:15 - drop dead 8:30.
June 7 - Summergrove
June 14 - Seminole
June 21 - Seminole
June 28 - Seminole
I love you all so much! mm
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Friday, May 25, 2012
Playday Results
1st - Susan Clonts with a 31 (shot a 78!)
2nd - Charlotte Myz also with 31
3rd - Lanelle with a 33
Scores are posted and next week we are back to White Oak on Seminole. We will still shotgun at 9:30 but will move up to 9:00 the first play day in June. Have a great Memorial Day weekend and see ya next week! mm
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Playday News and more
This opportunity to play ........ has been donated by a member who wishes to remain anonymous.
Proceeds from the sale of the raffle tickets, to be sold at all SMGA events until further notice, will 100% benefit Angel House.
Tickets are $1.00 each or 3 for $2.00
Remember this is a charitable contribution ............ buy often ....... benefit yourself & the Angel House residents.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Playday Results
Great day for golf - sure was a whole lot cooler than Valdosta as Janis and Brenda and I can attest! If you haven't heard a report on the GSWGA tournament this week - it was awesome. Janis Turner (the Pres!) did us proud as well Judy Furlong who spent most of the last few weeks working on the tournament. It was a great event and many of our Canongate Ladies brought home winnings! I urge you all to consider joining seniors next January. Gives you a good incentive to get that handicap down (must be 26 or less to join) and my new incentive is to play on the same course as the low cappers next year. In golf there is always incentive to do better - right? No matter what age!
I want everyone to know I had a good meeting with Justin (WhiteOak/Summergrove GM) this afternoon. First on my list was the lack of expertise (how diplomatic was that) we have experienced at Summergrove in recent weeks. Also, the fact we have other players crowded in the middle of us most weeks. When the "pro" knows what they're doing, they know how to start us with the tee times they've allowed and Justin assured me we will have a real pro at Summergrove going forward on our play days. When we get down to two courses I get it, we may be more crowded and we will deal with that. I trust also we will know before 8:15 if the course is CPO or not! I also addressed safety on the Seminole course in particular and the need for a ranger all the times - especially when school is out. I used to get off work and walk Seminole by myself in the afternoons. Even if I could walk I wouldn't do that if you paid me right now! I for one do not want any more surprises in the halfway house. Just ask me, Marilyn or Pat if you haven' heard that story! And I addressed the need for a fixed schedule for WOLGA and if course location has to change - we need to be informed. Last week I sent out the email saying Seminole which was according to the schedule I got from the pro shop then had an email from Susan G. who happened to see we were on the Summergrove schedule. Thus - the oooops message from me. Been funnier if had all just showed up over there.... Margaret joined me and we gave Justin input for the White Oak Ladies Championship and how we can garner more participation. He seems intent on getting more ladies into the mix so we'll see.
ALSO - I apologize if I haven't been clear about the scorecards when we play net best ball. Next time - I DO NOT need individual cards. I need one card with the game, complete names or initials when needed (not just Bev or Shirley or Mary- there are multiples of some of us but Ardy, Lanelle - there's only one of you!) and HCP. I also want a master with at least the gross scores on it - for verification. Write master on that card. Please always - every playday - put your name in the name field of your card - not just on the sticker. It just makes it easier for me, Diane or whoever else has to look at the cards post play. And even when it's best ball I do post the scores so the playday sheet needs to be completed. That is where I post from. There are no picks ups ever on playday until you max out for your handicap (7-teens, 8 - 20's, 9- 30's) in a best ball or 10 on any other playday. I will get scores posted tomorrow if at all possible.
1st - Sandi K, Holly, Trisha Nease and Charlotte - 61
2nd - Christine Campbell, Cheryl D and Ardy - 62
3rd - Lanelle, Lyn Cunningham and Janis T. - 63
and for glory.... Carol Head, Linda Mitchell and Carol Mc - also with 63
Next week we are on Seminole playing T's and F's. See ya then! mm
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Friday, May 4, 2012
Senior Men Scramble results
I sure hope everyone had a good time yesterday. It was an awesome day to be out there. Playing with the guys is so much fun but the task of the "coordinators" is a big job. Dave Furlong and I worked as hard as we could to make the teams equitable but when you have people who sign in and don't show up and those who show up and don't sign in (the men - not talking about us!) it gets more than a little crazy. Then to have one show up at the carts that hadn't even checked in at all. Really not cool. But oh well, it is suppose to be about having a fun day and maybe giving back a little to charity. I had one complaint come back to me but just as I have said before - if you want my job - you can have it. Most of what I heard was laughter and I saw a lot of smiles in clubhouse and I will not let one negative comment spoil my high. I think the vast majority of people had a great day. I guess it is all about your perspective on why you're there. Like a good friend of mine said the other day - we lead a charmed life - and if you don't that, I guess you just don't get it.
Congrats to our winners.....
1st - Lisa Jones
62 Jim Evans
Hunt McMeekin
Judy Bice
2nd- C Moore
63 Carole Cavanaugh
Barbara Nadreau
L Caneup
3rd - Rob Lauer
63 Mary Morgan
Shirley Hasty
Kathy Meier
4th - Brenda Dumas
64 D Wilson
Trisha Nease
Bev Lowell
5th - Larry Edwards
64 Marilyn Miller
Shirley Payne
Bubba Watson!
Thanks to all who contributed from their winnings back to Angel's House. I thought that was awesome. And if you didn't hear what I was crying about I'll summarize and elaborate. On Oct 28th, 2001 I saw Alan Jackson sing at the Newnan High School football field. It was a fund raiser for Angel's House (Coweta shelter for abused women and children) which was just getting started. A venue like that - only about 8000 people. I danced at the foot of the stage all night! He sang a song that night for his mama and dedicated to his father who had recently passed away. The name of it was " The Other Side of Life". Little did I know that the next night I would l lose my husband to a heart attack. When I went to McKoon's to plan Mickey's funeral I told the guy - I want the song Alan Jackson sang at the concert. Some of Alan's family works at McKoon's and I knew they had an inside track. They called Alan and he told them he'd never recorded the song but told us who had recorded it (Vern Gosdin for any of you real country music lovers) and I was able to get the song for his funeral. In Mo's obituary I requested donations be made to Angel's House. I forget how much money he raised for them - well over $1000 in donations. Later from some friends I had received cash and Alan Jackson donated one of his Corvette's to be raffled off for Angel's House. I bought $100+ worth of tickets just knowing I would win that 'Vette! Didn't win but I didn't get interviewed by KICKS that night on the square. ;o)
Our ladies group is awesome and I love and care for each one of you! Remember, every shot (in life or in golf) must have a purpose.
Life is good. mm
Friday, April 27, 2012
Yesterday's results
Here's the winners:
Low Gross - Janis T with an 88!
Low Net - Diane Mason with 64!
2nd Net - Norma Martin (there's that name again) with 70!
The popular score of the day was 106 - I posted a bunch of those!
Once again - next week (5/3) we are hosting the Senior Men on the Old Course. If you did not sign up yesterday please email me back if you want to play. Have your breakfast goodies to the club by 8:15. We shotgun at 9:30.
Bev Lowell, Let me know if any of the 9 holers who have handicaps want to play. Todd can help someone determine an equitable handicap if they do not have one in GHIN. That goes for your question as well Jane Buck.
The Old course is closing soon and I told Todd I did not want to move our play days to any other club than our own so we'll be seeing a lot of Seminole. Here is our current MAY SCHEDULE.
5/3 - Old (Scramble with senior men)
5/10 - Seminole
5/17 - Seminole
5/24 - Summergrove
5/31 - Seminole
Have a good week! Tee it up when you can and remember - we do get mulligans in life! ;o)
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Last Thursday's playday, Tomorrow, Next Week and Senior men Scramble
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Shoooooo - what a play day!
After adding and verifying cards here are the results for today:
1st - Bev Morris - 32
2nd - Norma Martin - 32.5
3rd - Shirley Payne - 33
WAY to go y'all!
I'm glad the Proshop screw up was transparent to many of you. Thank you Susan for setting us as right as possible. My brain just doesn't work that fast. Here is what happened. When you run playday you ask the "PRO" (1st problem - there wasn't one there) which holes to start on. So John was the only one there. He said " I don't know" then he said 1 forward. So after everyone had left the room to go to their carts I hear we are suppose to be in foursomes! NEWS TO ME! WE HAVEN'T PLAYED FOURSOMES IN THREE YEARS! Problem was Mike only had 9 holes blocked off for us. He came out and apologized and I trust it won't happen again. I work hard to make our playdays run smoothly and it only takes one incompetent man to screw it up! No I am not bitter! ;o) Still sorry I let it get to me so bad....and thank you all for being so understanding. I have already put $5 in my F bucket. ;o)
NEXT WEEK - OLD COURSE and guest day. Susan Clonts will be running playday. Y'all have fun as many of us will be out of town on Ardy's outing! Heaven knows I need a day off!
Scores are not yet posted. It may be Monday until I get to them.
HAPPY EASTER!!!! Luv, mm
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Friday, March 30, 2012
Playday results
Results from yesterday:
1st - Shirley Payne - Net 61 (Go Shirley!!)
2nd - Susan Gillespie - Net 67
3rd - Irene Drage - Net 67
Current schedule for April:
4/5 - Summergrove
4/12 - Old
4/19 - Seminole
4/26 - Summergrove
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Re: Playday results

Playday results
We had 43 players today for our Best 9 Front or Back game.
1st - Beth Shepard - 30.5
2nd - MaryMo - 31.5
3rd - Marilyn Miller - 31.5
NEXT WEEK - SUMMERGROVE! Scores are not posted yet - I plan on posting them tomorrow.
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Playday results!
And if you didn't wear green you can kiss Bev's shamrocks!
1st - Bev Morris, Bev Martin and Pat Lawson with 122
2nd - Louise Cox, Judy Armstrong and Shirley Payne with 126
3rd - Susan Gillespie Carol McMeekin and Diane Tschantz with 127
See ya next week - back at White Oak. Suppose to be on Seminole.
All please remember - YOU MUST BE CHECKED IN BY 9:00 am IF YOU ARE PLAYING. I hate turning someone away!! ;o( mm
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408
Friday, March 9, 2012
Play Day News
Sent from iCloud
Friday, March 2, 2012
Opening Day
Mary Carlson - 1st
Holly - 2nd
Salme - 3rd
Course rotation for March:
Mar 8 - Summergrove (GUEST DAY-bring potential new members!)
Mar 15 - Old Course
Mar 22 - Seminole
Mar 29 - Summergrove
Shotgun is at 9:30 - be checked in before 9:00! Spring has officially sprung! Looking forward to a great year! Luv, mm
Mary Morgan
home 770-683-7261
cell 770-363-7408