Monday, November 29, 2010

Year End Stats

Congrats to Golfer of the Year - Lanelle Heminger. Thanks for all your hard work this year Lanelle and Shirley. You did a great job with playday. Thanks also to Lisa for some great tournaments.
Congrats to all the winners this year. You can view a list here.
For those of you that would like to see your stats for the WOLGA season, they have been uploaded to my site. Here is how you view them:
Paste the link into your browser and change the "yourlastnamemembernumber" to your lastname all lowercase followed by your Canongate member number. Make sure you put the .pdf at the end.

See ya next year.

Jingle Jingle Jingle - Christmas is here!

Don't miss the Christmas Luncheon and Year End Awards party this Thursday. If you haven't decided yet to attend, now is the time to make up your mind. If you have not already let Marilyn know you are coming, please do so ASAP. Marilyn will be out of town, but Carol McMeekin will be handling her reservation duties for the luncheon.

If you would like to see your stats for the WOLGA season, they will be posted here in a link, starting on Thursday.

See you all soon.
Susan G